ZoS, are there any plans to add ability collision to furniture build blocks such as the Alinor Floor, Timeworn or Rough Planks, Wide?
Currently any ability whose Target is "Ground" or "Area" falls straight through any and all furniture. With build block furniture pieces becoming more diverse this issue is going to rear its ugly head more and more.
If you have never tried this yourself, set up a Rough Planks, Wide in mid-air. Stand on top of the planks and cast Wall of Elements, Time Stop, Volley, Daedric Minefield, Liquid Lightning, etc. Every ability like these will fall straight through it. This makes constructing custom housing arenas which do not use the house's default ground entirely useless.
Edited by SenorCrouch on September 3, 2018 6:59AM "What's the cross roads of Alessia Castle? I am trying to get pizza delivered."