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Jewelry Crafting Master Writs are overwhelming my inventory!

Should I keep them? Does anyone buy them? I have like 700 vouchers worth of Jewelry Master Writs and I can't even upgrade my own set of jewelry to gold quality yet. I just don't have enough gold to buy the upgrade mats yet but they're starting to take over my bank space. I'm considering just destroying them and hoping I get decent ones at a later date...if I have the patience to keep farming the mats....
  • eso_nya
    Accept and Abandon is less hassle than typing DESTROY. Unless u enter DESTROY by copy&paste.
  • Ramber
    I AGREE!! i have more then 30 writs with about 75 to 500 vouchers on them i cant afford to make legendary and wouldn't if i could at about 300k per item :/ I have made a handful of epic but i cant afford to make them any more either. Anyway you can flood the market with mats? or make them as common as everything else in the game? I mean only people that paid for Summerset can even add them to the pool so its always going to be lopsided. The expansion has been out for months and i still havent golded 1 piece of my own purple jewelry cause of the cost, i've had to sell the mats to make few writs that i have made.
  • MattT1988
    You could try and sell them, you’ll probably get peanuts for them because no one wants to do them, but it’s something....
  • John_Falstaff
    I suppose that those writs (of which I have plenty, too) are now like Stevenson's bottle imp. You try to sell them for a cent, then four centimes... and the one who bought for one centime will be stuck with the curse of occupied inventory space. At least they can be destroyed. ^^

    Jewelry crafting line is a terrible embarrassment. What's the point of paying 300-350k for still meager number of vouchers when I get 328 vouchers while spending eight gold tempers (which drop from writs and refining, and generously so, not in 1/10 pieces) and a piece of nirncrux.
  • erliesc
    I've only done 2 masterwrits...the one I just finished cost me 80,000 gold to get the needed materials for one epic ring.

    Just starting research on necklaces...will take at least 1 month.

    I COULD upgrade stuff to gold level...IF I wanted the pay the high cost to do it. 350K?

    I've got the gold to do it...but am wondering if prices are a bit out of kilter? Materials needed are SCARCE.....
    I know nutting....
  • Aarlur
    Just get rid of them. Thats what I do.
  • Banana
    Give them away
  • Linaleah
    eso_nya wrote: »
    Accept and Abandon is less hassle than typing DESTROY. Unless u enter DESTROY by copy&paste.

    add to junk. destroy all junk. easiest way I have found to deal with these things.

    I think.. if I price them at like 1 gold per voucher they MIGHT sell.. might.. I think I sold one writ - it was fairly decent number of vouchers for legendary and I sold it for like 150 per voucher, maybe? probably bought by someone who just wanted to unlock a dye and not pay more then necessary for it. epic writs don't sell at all.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • stitchesofdooom
    sell very cheap, or hit the dolemn train to farm jewelry to decon to get the platings to complete them. Also farm jewelry nodes to refine for platings. Metal ore nodes and jewelry seam nodes alternate. Find a spot with lots of metal nodes and farm farm farm.
    Say NO to Crown Crates. Crown Crates are Loot Boxes. Loot Boxes are gambling. Zenimax makes enough money off us.
    ESO+ is part of the "Games as a service" trend. A trend that needs to die. Subscribe only when you need Crowns for DLC.
    Say no to "radiant" junk quests replacing proper side content and the dumbing down of our favorite franchises.
    PCMR EU.
  • Wreuntzylla
    Aarlur wrote: »
    Just get rid of them. Thats what I do.

    Banana wrote: »
    Give them away

    You big meanie.
  • Skyvertex
    donate to guild bank
  • Integral1900
    Like others have said, just use them then abandon them, they are basicaly junk, no matter how high the voucher reward
  • erliesc
    I keep getting more necklace writs than ring writs...more legendary than epic...BASSACKWARDS...relative to what I can make.

    Looks like "they" are trying to make jewelry crafting unworkable...maybe hackers from another game have snuck in and changed the code...

    I'd buy a couple epic ring writs...
    I know nutting....
  • Runs
    I agree the drop way too much, but in doing so I'm getting a decent number of ones that I will eventually do. And then a small mix of ones that I wont do, but others may so I can sell them. And then there are the ton that I have to delete cause they will always be worthless(30-50 voucher epic, and 120-200 voucher legendary).

    I would rather have it as it is now, then turn into a system where I get very little. Because when that happens most of them will still be the worthless ones.

    -edit- If there is anyone that wants the ones I would normally delete on PC/NA drop me a mail @writs-end and I can mail them instead of deleting.
    Edited by Runs on September 4, 2018 10:43PM
    Runs| Orc NightbladeChim-el Adabal| Dunmer TemplarM'air the Honest| Khajiit Templar
    Oddity| Altmer SorcerorDrizlo| Orc DragonKnightLady Ra Gada| Redguard Sorceror
    Taste-of-Hist-Sap| Argonian NightbladeWar'den Peace| Khajiit WardenLittle Warden Annie Altmer Warden
    Ports with Blood| Breton TemplarDirty-Old-Man| Dunmer DragonKnightEyes-of-the-Sun| Argonian DragonKnight
    Bleak Mystique| Nord WardenPolychronopolous| Imperial SorcerorBullcrit| Khajiit Nightblade
    PC NA CP 1250+ and still a noob
    At Writs End - A place to complete master writs
  • smacx250
    Send a message to ZOS - DESTROY! I'm sure they keep tabs on what is being destroyed, and that statistic will tell them these things are still trash.

    There is only one JC master writ that I've kept so far. Its cost to complete is ~1300g/voucher. If the costs go down another third it might be barely worth doing, or selling (yes, you can sell those even now, but the price and wait isn't worth the slot and hassle).
  • qbit
    I’ve got two master writs alchemy and clothing. The clothing one is stupidly hard for me right now but may be worth doing later for 88 vouchers. I don’t even have the trait researched yet and it will take about a month for that research to complete. The alchemy writ was easy. Only 8 vouchers. I’m not even sure what the vouchers are used for. I guess for furniture? I don’t really do the housing much at this point. Yet.

    But these jewelry writs. I’ve seen them when people try to sell them in zone chat. No way. Not worth it.
  • DarcyMardin
    Thanks for the tip on accept and abandon—that’s definitely the quickest way to get rid of the useless jewelry master writs.

    Major /Fail, ZOS!
  • smacx250
    qbit wrote: »
    I’ve got two master writs alchemy and clothing. The clothing one is stupidly hard for me right now but may be worth doing later for 88 vouchers. I don’t even have the trait researched yet and it will take about a month for that research to complete. The alchemy writ was easy. Only 8 vouchers. I’m not even sure what the vouchers are used for. I guess for furniture? I don’t really do the housing much at this point. Yet.

    But these jewelry writs. I’ve seen them when people try to sell them in zone chat. No way. Not worth it.
    Check out here what you can get with vouchers:

    Edit: For example, for 3 vouchers you can knock a day off that trait research!
    Edited by smacx250 on September 5, 2018 2:57PM
  • Aeslief
    They. Are. Trash.

    It’s an infuriating reminder of what a failure this feature which Summerset heavily leaned on to justify the cost of a paid ‘chapter’ is. Got an epic writ for 115 vouchers followed by a legendary for 114. Each one is a reminder to consider cash purchases with a great deal more skepticism in the future, so they are good for that I guess?
  • Ashtaris
    That’s the sad part about this, the only thing the writs do at this time is waste inventory space because they are certainly not worth completing. Perhaps in another year they might be, but in the meantime we have to figure out ways to keep them stored. I guess I’ll just dump them on my poor crafting mule :)
  • Veinblood1965
    Funny I was thinking the same thing last night, I've not gotten enough mats yet for one gold plating, and only enough to set one ring to purple. Why would I use the mats on writs when it will be twenty years before I get my own jewelry upgraded? I recall reading that it was stated those who put time into this would be greatly rewarded but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of difference in stats between purple and gold jewelry. Am I missing something as to the rewards?
  • Linaleah
    Thanks for the tip on accept and abandon—that’s definitely the quickest way to get rid of the useless jewelry master writs.

    Major /Fail, ZOS!

    seriously, I found adding them to junk and then destroying all junk to be even faster. and you can destroy multiples at once.

    and isn't it sad how we are discussing best methods for deleting what should have been a desirable item and is instead - ballast?
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • stitchesofdooom
    agn231 wrote: »
    Should I keep them? Does anyone buy them? I have like 700 vouchers worth of Jewelry Master Writs and I can't even upgrade my own set of jewelry to gold quality yet. I just don't have enough gold to buy the upgrade mats yet but they're starting to take over my bank space. I'm considering just destroying them and hoping I get decent ones at a later date...if I have the patience to keep farming the mats....

    Bank. Eventually Zenimax will quit being stingy with platings and you'll be able to complete them.

    ...also, start harassing Zenimax to quit being stingy with platings.

    this "grains" BS has to STOP. We all hate it. And deconstructing jewelry should return PLATINGS, not grains.

    Say you refine a purple ring. That purple ring needed to use 3 zircon platings MINIMUM. That's 30 grains... yet you only get one grain back?? You need to deconstruct at least 30 purple rings, and be extremely lucky, to get enough zircon to make a single purple ring.
    With clothing you need a minimum of 6. Not to mention the fact that Summerset must be owned to use the crafting station which I personally think is a little unfair on the peeps who don't own it yet.


    1: Either make grains and pulverized [insert trait item name here] refine into multiple platings [etc] up to 10, depending on refining perks.
    2: Deconstructing be changed to return platings, not grains.
    3: Jewelry Hireling.
    4: Jeweler that sells jewelry, simple jewelry furnishing designs and Jeweler's Sign. I want my Jeweler's Sign.
    5: Allow everyone to craft jewelry. Even if only when you make it a crown-purchasable DLC. Summerset is good enough on its own, you don't need to withhold Jewelry Crafting just to get people to buy it.
    6: Give everyone who already owns Summerset 10 Chromium Plating and 10 Zircon Plating.
    Say NO to Crown Crates. Crown Crates are Loot Boxes. Loot Boxes are gambling. Zenimax makes enough money off us.
    ESO+ is part of the "Games as a service" trend. A trend that needs to die. Subscribe only when you need Crowns for DLC.
    Say no to "radiant" junk quests replacing proper side content and the dumbing down of our favorite franchises.
    PCMR EU.
  • Reivax
    Somewhere there is a guy working at Zenimax and his job is to look at all proposed game material and review its "Fun" factor.
    He was clearly not invited to any of the meetings concerning Jewelry Crafting.
  • purple-magicb16_ESO
    I know. I can't give these away. Too expensive (or time consuming) to complete. They need to lower the quality requirement on the items to complete jc writs. If gold and purple upgrade mats are to be so extremely rare and expensive, they should also make the gold/purple writs equally rare with green and blue being far more common.
    Edited by purple-magicb16_ESO on September 11, 2018 6:44PM
    I don't comment here often but when I do, I get [snip]
  • erliesc
    Reivax wrote: »
    Somewhere there is a guy working at Zenimax and his job is to look at all proposed game material and review its "Fun" factor.
    He was clearly not invited to any of the meetings concerning Jewelry Crafting.

    I've stopped making jewelry for the master writs after spending 80K to make one epic ring...I'll continue with the regular writs and that's about it. Jewelry crafting STOPPED...

    Also...some higher level furniture crafting requires jewelry crafting ability...the stuff from Alinor... So you need a crafter that can do both wood and jewelry at least...probably other areas too. Not sure any one character would be able to do both jewelry and the other crafting and still be able to fight....most skill points would need to go into crafting...
    Edited by erliesc on September 20, 2018 11:03PM
    I know nutting....
  • agn231
    I've seen the purple quality writs of 75 or more are starting to sell for about $500+ per voucher. The gold ones are collecting dust. I now have over 1000 vouchers worth of master jewelry writs, I think it would cost me over 5 million gold to complete them. Getting closer to destroying or abandoning space is more valuable to me at this point.
  • anadandy
    It may just be my imagination, but the jewelry master writs seem to drop far more regularly then the other crafts which exacerbates the problem. And I already destroyed all the pre "fix" single digit ones.
  • redlink1979
    agn231 wrote: »
    I'm considering just destroying them.

    At least, try to sell them to others.

    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
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  • Hotdog_23
    Destroy all the ones I get. Kept only one, just because it is a 442 writs for a gold jewelry. The cost is just to high and bank/storage space to valuable to keep. ZOS make it too much of a grind.

    I am slowly getting all my characters up to level 50 in jewelry. Working on my fifth right now.
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