What the f...stop doing this crap Devs. Stop making these sweeping freaking changes to the game every damn quarter. You just throw random crap against the wall and see if it sticks. You do know it's cheaper to keep customers than to go out and find new ones right? I simply do not understand the logic of so many of these changes. These are not subtle tweaks here and there, they change the core dynamic of the game. Why do all game developers feel the need to do this? Is it so the developers can make it seem like they are 'bringing value' to the team trying to ensure job security? You are changing your game to death.
Hey, people are enjoying this game...let's go ahead and change the entire combat system, set pieces and all else. I bet they will LOVE it. Besides, these loser's aren't going anywhere!
Just one example. On a whim ZOS just changed a couple armor sets that have been around forever...Cyrodiil's Crest & Cyrodiil's Ward Not just tweaks but literally takes said armor set, changes all 2-5 bonuses yet calls it the same name. Hey don't worry about it if you had that set all in Gold...you can always grind for another 6 months because people who play video games don't have jobs and families. A dumb and useless change. And you do this type of crap in so many different areas. I can't even keep up with all the changes. No idea what the weapon and class skills I have been using for 3 years even do anymore. Or what set bonuses I will suddenly have when I log in next.
Remember when you changed the entire combat system a while back? You know that whole combat priority thing? All you did was ensure combat become more clunky, less responsive and overall waaaaay worse. And why? Animation canceling? That thing you could do to separate yourself from less skilled opponents? Great job there, combat is now horribly unresponsive. All people do anymore is run around trees and rocks relying on line of site and RNG dodge chance. Incredibly boring.
Seriously ZOS, you have no direction, no long term plan. At least not one obvious to the player base. More DLC's! More temporary armor sets! Yay!!! People love fluff!!!
Back to my real job now...
Mediocre AD StamDK.
BiS wine drinker.
Award winning dog owner.
Disappointing husband.