Offerings this weekend from Zanil Theran in Cicero’s Food & General Goods in Hollow City, Coldharbour:
Builds using these furnishings during last night's weekly
Live Luxury Showdown stream:

A very Craglorny scorpion construct!

A confrontation between a segmented chairworm and the honorable casepeople!

A mad healer's scanning device!
Live Luxury Showdown is a 30-minute quick-build challenge streamed at each Friday night.
Craglorn stuff this weekend again! Aside from the new display case, these items were on the vendor last September and April. The urn and coffer do have great cast-metal textures on higher resolutions. The chair is basic enough for any number of general purposes and works well in outdoor settings. The new display case is a good deal at only 10k. It does have big cracks on the glass, which catches light in a good way. The new display case adds to the 5 that were added with Summerset (4 craftable and 1 from achievements). I anticipate seeing many dangerous items on display in these new display cases.