Hopefully as the new gameplay lead, you'll be willing to acknowledged these bugs, as they've been decimating PvP on XB NA for months now.
The Knockback/CC "Rubberband" bug
This is
the most infuriating bug in the game currently, as it happens with
100% consistency. It was introduced with summerset, and has not been acknowledged by any staff members as of yet. When moving, if your character is hit with a flame reach, javelin, meteor, leap, draining shot, or other knockback skill/ability, you recieve the CC prior to being hit with the animation. As such, you are able to break the CC before the projectile - whatever skill it may be - hits your character. However after breaking the non-telegraphed/desynced CC, you will be hit by the animation/projectile, which causes your character to "slide" back to the location where you received the CC originally. While sliding - which can last from 1-5 seconds, you are unable to use any abilities, potions, ultimates, barswap, sprint, etc.
THIS HAPPENS 100% OF THE TIME IF YOU ARE HIT BY ONE OF THESE CC'S WHILE MOVING. I've been in situations now where I've been running from vastly larger groups, with someone spamming javelin/flame reach. EVERY SINGLE CC that hits me causes me to slide and become locked out of abilities, essentially FORCING me to take 1-5 seconds worth of damage without the ability to do anything, whatsoever. Meteor is especially bugged, because you have no concept whatsoever of when the meteor itself is going to come down once the ring appears on your feet. There is very little you can do to block or avoid it if you cannot time it with the ring, the way the counterplay was designed.
EDIT:It is important that I mention, this bug happens in a similar manner with all non-knockback ranged CC's as well. Stonefist, CC's from stealth damage (especially snipes from stealth), etc cause the same Desync with the CC & damage/animation - You recieve the CC and can break it up to 5 seconds prior to recieving the damage/status effects of the ability that hit you. While this doesn't cause the slide that knockbacks cause, it DOES still cause you to receive desynced damage that you cannot avoid or prepare for.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erCObPdNl0AMeteor at the start of the clip causes the bug, the rest of the clip is just a PvP fight.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7UztDf81e8The Sprint Bug
The sprint bug is a state where the game reads your character as sprinting despite you not engaging the sprint button. What this causes is the inability to use any abilities, actions, potions, synergies, as well as a continual drain of the stamina resource while moving, as the game registers your character as sprinting. The only way to remove the bug is to double tap sprint after noticing the bug, OR to move until your stamina depletes to 0. Obviously this is hugely detrimental to PvP combat as sprinting is a vital mechanic to utilize in order to be effective.
@ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP