A suggestion: Making it possible to transfer your account information from server to server.
Introduction :
Hello people! I write this suggestion to hopefully explore a common problem that I myself and quite a few players here on the forums seem to be having. This is the ability to change servers without losing all your hard earned progress. I myself came originally to this game during the first few rounds of beta testing and later on stuck around with several of my friends on the North American server simply because it was suggested that it was the most active in terms of Roleplay was to be found there. So naturally, as an avid roleplayer I ended up sticking around with this server and started to develop my characters in-game, I started earning achievements and went through great length to collect a good portion of the motifs that are available in the game. I should note that I am European! The although the time zone difference had always made things rather difficult, we stuck with the game and continued to complete more and more content with the game. Ending up spending hundreds of hours on the gameplay as we got a taste for PvP, questing and also spending hundreds of Euros worth of Crown Coins to get cosmetics and the like. Sadly the time zone difference often made it hard to really get into the game. For myself, we are dealing with an average of six hours of difference in time zones with your average NA player. So that would mean that the majority of the activity usually picks up at around 02:00 my time (gmt+1)
And while in a perfect world, I would love to ignore my responsibilities such as my children and other obligations, it is simply no longer feasible as a full-time mother to stay up this late to complete that one trial or go to a guild event, or even participate in large scale PvP. With my friends having left the game a long time ago because of the fact that if we would switch over to the EU server, we would lose all the progress we have made and more importantly, none of the purchased products that we got; from DLC’s to Cosmetics would be gone. I remain one of the few players left from my friend group and slowly but surely feel drawn away from the game as I simply no longer feel that I am able to enjoy all the content of the game because of how hard it truly is to get a good active group going. And while it would be great for Zenimax that players would buy all the cosmetics all over again and all the DLC’s all over to just access it on the European server, it isn’t really something that all players are able to afford.
With that out of the way, I would love to move over to the suggestion!
What I would suggest ;
I would love to see a way that cosmetics and DLC’s that have been purchased to be made account wide so that these are shared over both servers. So that the players who end up being in a similar situation like mine can start to enjoy the game to its fullest extent. In an ideal world, it would also be great for all the achievements to be carried over from server to server. Nothing hurts more to have spend hours upon hours of trying to complete that one trial to get a specific dye, to have to do it all over again. Of course, I don’t know how difficult it would be to copy the information of one server over to the other for an account, but to someone who hasn’t ever dabbled into programming and all that sort of things, it doesn’t seem to be too big of a problem!
Naturally, I understand that this would take a lot of time and resources from the development team to implement this and the argument can be made that “We had to choose better” before we get invested into this game. However times change, people move all over the place and often move from country to country, communities change as well! Wouldn’t it be much better to keep these players by making it so that not all their progress and bought content felt like it was a waste and have them leave the game as a whole? These players that can stick around because they can transfer to a server that is more active for their timezone are more likely to be happy customers and keep investing in the game by purchasing the products! Although this may seem like a minor quality of life thing for some. It can make or break the game for a lot of players. This, of course, doesn’t have to be free of charge and I myself would be more than happy to pay some Crowns for this server change to happen.
TL;DR - “Make it able for players to transfer their progress over to a different Megaserver.”
What are your thoughts of this playerbase? Hopefully a Dev can take a look at this and tell us if this is already being planned out or if it's on the schedule!
Yours truly,