Zone: Gold Coast
Quest: The Sweetroll Killer
This quest has multiple possible choice points with different characters.
Choice 1 Tuindal (the baker):
1. Tell him to keep doing what he is doing and remain in plain view.
2. Tell Him to alter his routine.
1. He is murdered.
2. He travels to Anvil and survives.
If he lives it makes the end of the quest easier.
Choice 2 Dobias Sophus (the merchant):
1. Tell him to keep doing what he is doing and continue wandering in the market.
2. Tell him to hide.
1. He survives and ends up travelling to Anvil.
2. He is murdered.
Save him it makes the end easier.
Choice 3 Yarmia (the apprentice):
1. Tell her she can't have a weapon.
2. Tell her she can have a weapon.
1. She survives and travels with Razum-dar to Anvil.
2. She is murdered.
Choice 4 The Sweetroll Killer.
1. Let them live.
2. Kill them.
Saving her makes the end easier
1. Razum-dar agrees it is for the best as the surviving victims will now be safe. Naryu is angry as she fears the killer will now wreak havoc in another region.
2. Naryu is pleased as she believes more lives were saved in the long run. Razum-dar is angry as this is not how an Eye of the Queen should do things and instead likens it to a Dark Brotherhood killing. If you saved all the peopled above Raz is not that mad. Raz says, " Well that did not go as planned. But everyone is safe for now. Thank you, my friend Raz will make sure Yarmia remains safe and stays away from sweetrolls from now on. Goodbye" Naryu lets you know the choice was hard and plans to meet you later.