When I look at warden-class from pvp point-of-view the thing class is lacking most is access to on-demand hard-cc via class-abilities. All other classes have access to on-demand hard-cc from one or multiple class-skills with varying counter-play and conditions, except wardens. Considering importance of being able to stun opponents I strongly believe that wardens should not be exception. Heres two ideas I have been thinking about for a while.
1. Falcons swiftness - Keep effects it now has and add following: When using this ability next light attack within 2 seconds stuns target for 2 seconds. Stun would be blockable and dodgeable as light attacks are. As you see, I basically borrowed idea of elemental weapons (ability + light attack for effect to happen) and just changed dmg to stun. If more popular morph bird of prey would become too strong with this addition, then I guess one option could be adding this stun-component to less used morph deceptive predator to make it more appealing. That would make sense, as that morph is clearly designed to increase wardens survivability, while bird of prey increases offensive-potential.
2. Natures`grasp - When targeting friendly target it would continue to work as it does now, but heres the change/addition I have in mind: When targeting hostile target swing warden to target stunning them for 5 seconds and healing warden for X amount over X amount of time. Ability that now is very underused because of its very limited usefulness, would this way become gap-closer + stun and be worth a slot for many more warden-builds. As it is now, natures grasp is only useful when you have ally to target (bear does not count for some reason) and its completely useless for solo-play. And if you have multiple allies around, theres better choices for healing multiple allies. My addition would make this underused ability useful also for lone wardens while also giving wardens another source of on-demand hard-cc and also gap-closer that wardens are lacking aswell.
I sincerely believe these suggestions would be balanced and not make wardens overperform. Class would merely get more intresting options, and I strongly believe that build-diversity is desireable thing. If you find problems with these suggestions I failed to foresee, let me know. Sorry for possible mistakes with english, it isn`t my native language.