Recently came back to ESO after around an 8 month break the other day and looking to group up for dungeon/trial content. Obviously after such a period of time out the guilds I was a part of have removed for being inactive (can't blame them) so I'm stuck jumping in with random groups/not being able to find dungeons in the finder (really painful when you are trying to farm gear).
I'm from the UK and at around 400 CP, have DPS (main)/Healer/Tank all at CP level (just needing to farm end game gear for all) and have an almost maxed out crafter (few traits to learn still plus Jewelry grinding). I have all DLC (Inc Summerset) and just really looking for a group of people that are patient enough to re-learn dungeon mechanics (can remember some but not all) and to get into trials (really need to run Cloudrest for healer).
Back before I took time out I completed most dungeon content on Vet with a really good group, sadly they no longer play either, which is why I'm here asking (go figure). Hopefully some one out there can help, don't know how much longer I can spend hours in activity finder to get zero pieces of gear I need!

Any ways, that's it, my GT is Fubz21, you can message me on there or reply here.
1100+ CP
DK Tank - Main, 9 Trait Crafter
Necro Tank
MagSorc DD
Templar DD