So... I, as a rule, do not start new threads on any of the forums I frequent. Well, it's not a rule really, but it is so uncommon that it might as well be one.
Almost always, when I feel the need to vent about something, it's about an issue that is bothering other folk too, and thus there tends to be a ready made thread about it.
But every now and then, I do get the need to say something, and to say that something strongly enough for me start my own thread about it, and not just tack my thoughts into a thread started by someone else. This is one of those times.
I also don't tag people, unless they tag me first. I find it odd to target specific people with my comments on an online forum, but in this case I will tag some people since I actually want to say these things to these specific people. Of course them being busy and all, an me being unhealthily verbose with my postings, I wont be too bothered about it if they just ignore my rant. However, I still feel I need to say these things, and say them to these specific people, so here goes:
@ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_MattFiror
You see, last week on Tuesday I came across something on these forums that has been gnawing away at my mind. It wasn't anything specific in particular, just one more incident of a trend that has made me think about the reason I play this game. After a week or so of ruminating on it, I feel like I need to say something about it.
Anyway, the thing that triggered things was this:
Murkmire Teaser Event
Get a preview of the upcoming Murkmire DLC with an exciting new teaser, now available to test on the PTS. You can start this quest by finding the NPC Concordia Mercius outside the cities of Daggerfall, Vulkhel Guard, or Davon's Watch, or by simply obtaining the leaflet “Cyrodilic Collections Needs You” from the Featured section of the Crown Store. This event features more than just a single quest and includes the following:
- Two full-length Story Quests featuring new characters, new monsters, new Quest Rewards, and a new Murkmire-themed island, all ready for exploration.
- A complete set of Daily Quests with their own Quest Rewards and Achievements, including the chance to get a brand new Murkmire pet.
- Each Daily Quest can be completed once each day.
- You can earn Daily Rewards and Achievement progress for each completion.
- The luminescent Swamp Jelly Pet can be obtained by acquiring the seven parts of its Runebox and combining them.
- These Runebox Fragments can be obtained by completing daily quests for the Cyrodilic Collections company in Shadowfen, unlocked after completing the quest "The Cursed Skull".
Just, no.
No way, not cool, not fun, not okay.
This game does no need yet more grind. This is the kinda stuff that does not make me play more. This is the sort of stuff that makes me play less.
I have a life, I have family and friends, and hobbies and things beside ESO to spend my time with. I also need to work for a living, and do not want to spend my free time working ESOstyle. I want to be able to log in two or three times a week and play 3-5 hours and actually accomplish something. I do not want to grind the same repetitive nonsense while praying at RNGesus to not make all my time invested meaningless.
Far too large a portion of playing ESO is repeating the same content over and over again. Sometimes maybe for hundreds of hours. Nothing is quite as aggravating as spending an inordinate amount of time trying to achieve something and fail, only to see some random player try it on a lark and succeed on the first try, and then hear them say:"Whatever, didn't really want it nor do I have a use for it." I don't know which is more infuriating - to have that random then ask half a million gold for it, or to have it account bound and have that other player just decon or vendor it as the trash it is for him.
A while back, I came across a comment, in a thread about monster style page drop rates, about running the dungeon couple of times each day until the page dropped, or until they'd get fed up and just buy it from a guild vendor.
I just can't see how anyone would be willing to do something like that. It's basically the same as saying:"I'm gonna watch the same Simpsons episode each day until I roll a nat twenty and can move on to some other equally soul numbing grind."
Repeating the same content over and over again for a 5% drop is not fun, it's not entertaining and it's not something I will do!
Also, a lot of people were posting about how they had run the same dungeon dozens of times with no luck, while others had gotten it with couple of runs. Same for the chest - Someone sinks 20 keys and gets nothing, another uses four keys and gets 2. That is aggravating on such a level, that it makes me, who didn't even bother to try to get them at all, punch someone responsible in the face. And I don't like feeling that way.
On one had it's cool that you added this element to the game, but at the same time it's not cool to make it so difficult to get, that a lot of people will just have to buy it from the lucky ones via guild stores. That is not cool.
If you do the content, you should also get the prize. Stop relying on RNG nonsense to add longevity into your game!
And it's not like this is an isolated incident. Everything in ESO is always behind a ridiculous grind.
Another case in point: Alinor furnishing plans. - Granted, they drop with much better frequency than Morrowind plans, but they're still rare. And you get base game plans more often than Alinor plans.
The best way to get them is to park a character in Traitors Vault, check the 100 or so containers that are clustered close to each other, log out and log into another character parked in the same delve, and check the containers again. String 4 or 5 characters doing this in a cycle, and loot those same containers again and again and again.
After 3 or so hours of this ***, you should have one or two blue Alinor plans and possibly a purple plan for your troubles, in addition to bunch of various base game blues. The purple will most likely not be an Alinor plan, but a purple is a purple and can fetch a decent sum in a guild store and thus makes the time invested worthwhile.
Do this grind for 30 or so days And you should have most of the blue Alinor furnishing recipes and few of the purple ones too. That's what I've been doing with Summerset so far. It's easy, efficient and profitable.
But it isn't fun, it isn't entertaining, and it sure as hell is not rewarding. The drop rates are once again so low, that you will not get them by just playing the content, doing the quests and exploring Summerset. No, you need to grind for them, and the grind is mind numbingly dull. And in this case, apparently way too effective since, based on the PTS patch notes, Traitor's Vault is about to be nerfed.
Reading the PTS patch notes about upcoming changes and new features just sucks any enthusiasm I still might have left for playing ESO. Grind and more grind and some more grind to top that off. Everything that might constitute fun, at least for me, is piled under heaps and mounds of grind.
I still got plenty of do XX of some pointless daily for a pointless achievement to do. I haven't been able to arse myself into finishing the Psijic Grind, I haven't started the endless farming for the Big Eared Ginger Kitten(and that one I actually want), and still need gather all those parts for Precursor Maker quest from CWC. I still have some names to hit for the Blackest Sacrament FFS!. And I have done a ton of those hits! I vomit internally at the thought of trying to finish that one. And the gridn jsut keeps getting more epic than ever. AS a side note, jsut so you know, there is no way in hell I will do the 150 quests needed for the Murkmire Prepper title.
The thin is, that tomorrow I'll be hopping on a plane and flying to Japan for my summer vacation. I'll be spending a month or so there, gonna climb couple of mountains, do some river rafting (weather permitting) attend an expo, take a trip to a subtropical island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, see a concert and of course relax by bathing in hot springs. I'll be doing new things, gonna see new places, meet new people and generally just enjoy life.
Maybe that will be enough to refresh myself, and maybe I can get back into ESO once I return. But somehow i doubt it. All there really is in store is running around the same frigging virtual location time after time after time, doing the exact same thing over and over and over again, on the off chance of getting 1 piece of a multipart grind drop so that maybe at some point in the future I'll have 1 new cosmetic thing or maybe a fun piece of furnishing to place in my virtual home, and that *** just aint fun.
It just isn't. It's a waste of my life.
Looking at the "daily login bribes" for this month, I just can't but to feel like ZOS is desperate about player retention. Are subs going down? Are people spending less and less time online? I don't know about others, but I sure am.
I just don't care anymore. I have ton of grindy nonsense to "achieve" as is, and the devs just keep adding more and more grinds of ever increasing size to the game. I really can't keep up with this crap, and if I decide to not bother farming the next thing, then the next grind after that is even easier to pass on. If I didn't get the last cool addition to the game, why would I bother grinding the next one?
The way I see it, the only sensible way of "playing" this game is to wait until you have a few DLCs waiting for you, and the last chapter is on sale - then get the chapter and sub for a month and just do the story content and ignore everything else. It takes too much time, and is way too dull to even contemplate bothering with.
Now I get it, there are some people who are online 14 hours every day and who are running out of stuff to do. But maybe you guys could just you know do something else. It's not like ESO is the only game in the world. Adding content targeted to those who spend most of their waking hours in game is not really a good idea. Well, for the majority of players anyway.
MMOs do not need grind. They need dynamic systems the players can engage with. And a steady stream of new pieces to fiddle with. PVP by it's own nature is a dynamic system. It just needs an occasional twist or such to keep things fresh. Like how about you close the closest gap in the barriers between the factions. I.e. close the gate between Ash and Nikel, the gate between Chalman and Bleaker, and break the Alessia bridge. This would force players to use the two other paths, and would change the dynamics a lot. Then after 6 or so months the gates could be re-opened, and the bridge repaired. It would keep the game fresh.
Another dynamic system is housing - or it would be if it wasn't buried under unforgiving grind and real money purchases. New smaller homes, and more mansions available for gold would give players a reason to stick with ESO, to putter about their virtual homes. But since most "cool" homes are real money only, a lot of people end up buying them already furnished and... Well if the place is already cluttered up, there isn't much reason to do it yourself. Besides making your own furnishings takes a lot of time and effort or a ton of real life money so, why bother with it?
I suppose the Outfit system could've been a candidate for a dynamic system for the players to tinker with. I mean, there are plenty of people who enjoy putting together new looks for their characters. And the way they look is a really big thing for some players. But again, the grind for the motifs (and now outfit styles too) and the gold sink built into the system and the exorbitant crown prices slapped on outfit slots prevents this from happening,
If ESO wants to be the one who breaks the mold, the one who tries a different approach to MMOs, then the devs have gotta say farewell to the grind. Instead of grind they should aim at giving players more interactive tools with which they can create their own dynamic content. You do that and people will stick by your game. Heap more grind on the lot and you will just slowly drive away those customers who do not want to devote their whole lives into playing one game, and one game only.
See, I want a game where I can login and decide that I want a certain doodah or a specific thingamajig. Maybe some new piece of gear or a weapon of certain sort and style, or maybe a cool feature piece for my home. I then should be able to go and pursue that thing. Maybe spend couple of hours running through the hoops necessary to get that thing,
but to get it in the end all the same. I should not have to grind dozens of time the same stuff and hope I get it, and more often than not then spend then next 3 hours going through guild vendors in hopes of finding one for a sensible price.
I want to play a game where I can set attainable goals for myself, to spend my time doing fun things like PVP and decorating my virtual homes. I do not want a game where I need to spend most of my time farming stuff that makes me able to PVP, only to have the next patch change everything again and forcing me to go farm new stuff to remain competitive.
I want to be able to just log on and spend couple of hours decorating my house isntead of spending countless hours farming for mats and recipes or spending hour upon hour going through the hundred or so guild traders in the game in hopes of finding one for a reasonable price.
There is plenty of fun to be had in ESO, but there is far more work to be done, and endless grind and busybody work that is not fun, entertaining or interesting.
I used to logon daily but I no longer do. When you introduced daily login rewards, I stated that your daily bribes are not gonna make me login any more than I want anyway. You cannot band-aid this issue away. It's a fundamental rot that has settled into every aspect of the game.
I do not want my entertainment to feel more tedious than my job!
... So yeah, that's pretty much what I wanted to say. Couple of days from now I'll be far far from home and far far away from ESO. On my previous vacations, I still kept an eye on the forums and on what was happening, but I don't think I will this time. In fact I think I will, after posting this, close the forum tab on my browser (Something I haven't done in years) and just ignore it altogether.
So until I return, and how ever long it takes for me to bother relogging to the forums, I will not pay attention to ESO in general. And will not read the forums at all. So I won't know what sort of response this post is gonna get, and what others will have to say about it, nor will I be able to respond to anything anyone else might post. S okeep taht in mind and don't take it personally if I wont respond for a while.
Maybe I will find some interest in keeping playing the game once I return, or I might not. I doubt I'll abandon it altogether, I'll still keep playing to some degree. It's just that I really can't see myself wasting my life with chasing all these new grinds that keep getting added to it. Enough's enough, and my enough was already here before Summerset even launched. So bye for now and see you in a month or so, I'm going on a vacation.