Which key or keys are bound to the Dodge-Roll function? The defaults are the arrowhead directional keys (shown on the Gameplay Controls card which was included with the DVD from which I installed TESO).im holding down W while pressing dodgeroll button, and i dodgeroll backwards. ...
How does your character have "Major Expedition all the time"?? Is your character a Sorcerer with a Stamina build instead of Magicka?i play on PC EU, and double tap dodge is rly not an option for me. as a stamina character with major expedition all the time, i do alot of tap movements :P
Shadowshire wrote: »Which key or keys are bound to the Dodge-Roll function? The defaults are the arrowhead directional keys (shown on the Gameplay Controls card which was included with the DVD from which I installed TESO).im holding down W while pressing dodgeroll button, and i dodgeroll backwards. ...How does your character have "Major Expedition all the time"?? Is your character a Sorcerer with a Stamina build instead of Magicka?i play on PC EU, and double tap dodge is rly not an option for me. as a stamina character with major expedition all the time, i do alot of tap movements :P
I understand tapping a movement direction key during combat to move the character just "one step" in that direction, or to turn the character to face that direction (especially if you are playing with a First Person view instead of Third Person view). But what does that have to do with Major Expedition?
You have yet to disclose which "button" that you "press for dodgeroll". Is that some sort of PvP secret?
Apparently, it is possible to use potions to maintain Major Expedition continuously, insofar as the duration on some that I've crafted is 47.6 seconds but the cooldown for using a potion again is 45 seconds. Whether it is feasible to do that over a very long period of time is arguable, given the expense.....
Major expedition potions. You dont turn your character with arrow keys, you use ur mouse. And for the other question, read the answer above this post
Shadowshire wrote: »There is a 45-second cooldown after using a potion, and there isn't one that provides Major Expedition for 45 seconds. So your character cannot be affected by Major Expedition "all of the time". Certainly, you can use potions continually, but not continuously.....
Major expedition potions. You dont turn your character with arrow keys, you use ur mouse. And for the other question, read the answer above this post
- Update 23Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
Shadowshire wrote: »Apparently, it is possible to use potions to maintain Major Expedition continuously, insofar as the duration on some that I've crafted is 47.6 seconds but the cooldown for using a potion again is 45 seconds. Whether it is feasible to do that over a very long period of time is arguable, given the expense.....
Major expedition potions. You dont turn your character with arrow keys, you use ur mouse. And for the other question, read the answer above this post
I did not state or imply that you "turn your character with arrow keys". I disclosed the fact that each Arrow key is the default keybind for a direction in which a character will execute a Dodge-Roll. Please read our replies more carefully, so that you understand them, lest you reveal that you are functionally illiterate.
And with respect to the "other question", your reply to @Tasear does not disclose which "button" that you have bound to Dodge-Roll. Please read my remarks about that in the post above this one.