So I have been PvPing quite often lately and I always do two things:
1. I always play a magplar
2. i only ever pvp with my friend who is also a magplar
We don't really ever lag in cyrodil as much as people complain - occasional lag every now and then but most times everything is pretty steady
One thing we have noticed is almost everyday at random times in a day with seemingly no explanation all aoe-channels cease to function: meaning jabs/sweeps/lightning HA's
When we activate one of these the ability will last the entire time but only will do damage for the first tick and nothing else the rest of the channel will play out doing 0 damage or effects of any kind.
We have tested everything with other friends. Single target channels (jesus beam) work fine. Single target dots (poison injection) work fine. Aoe dots (ritual of retribution)work fine. Just AOE channels just kill themselves.
We never have it happen to us separately. Always the same time. If we are on different parts of the map it will still effect us both. It often accomponies no other lag of any kind whatsoever.
Anyone else having this issue? I believe it is some kind of server error as it can last anywhere from 5 mins to 30 mins and effects us both at the same time.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom anyway we can have someone look into this issue?
Thanks for the info!