You are preaching to the choir on this one. ZOS has had years of complaints on your very subject and has done absolutely nothing to fix it. You forgot to add the error messages that always accompany a crash when trying to log back in. "Already logged in" followed by "Unable to Connect to Server check your internet connection".
Same thing happened to me last night PC NA Vivic. Big fight at Ales. Crashed first time outside the keep Ganking and of course lets not forget about the horrible lag that was going on. Got back into the game 5 minutes later after being told already logged into game, then followed by constant load screens and unable to connect to server message. When finally back in was back at the DC safe zone in Cyro. Traveled back to Ales only to crash again as soon as I got close to the keep. Another 5 minutes of load screens and unable to connect to server. Finally back in travel back to Ales only to have missed out on a massive Defensive Tick. What I described above was not the first time during the Midyear Mayhem event in Vivic. Should of just stayed in one of the other campaigns. They were always a lot better during the event.
Thunderknuckles wrote: »You are preaching to the choir on this one. ZOS has had years of complaints on your very subject and has done absolutely nothing to fix it. You forgot to add the error messages that always accompany a crash when trying to log back in. "Already logged in" followed by "Unable to Connect to Server check your internet connection".
Same thing happened to me last night PC NA Vivic. Big fight at Ales. Crashed first time outside the keep Ganking and of course lets not forget about the horrible lag that was going on. Got back into the game 5 minutes later after being told already logged into game, then followed by constant load screens and unable to connect to server message. When finally back in was back at the DC safe zone in Cyro. Traveled back to Ales only to crash again as soon as I got close to the keep. Another 5 minutes of load screens and unable to connect to server. Finally back in travel back to Ales only to have missed out on a massive Defensive Tick. What I described above was not the first time during the Midyear Mayhem event in Vivic. Should of just stayed in one of the other campaigns. They were always a lot better during the event.
I was there for that fight, too! Yes, the lag and crashing was horrific. I honestly am not looking forward to another Midyear Mayhem. You'd think that when designing a game with PvP intended for massive scale open world combat that your company would actually spend the money on servers that can support that kind of combat. Not a server built with parts from Radio Shack (that's sarcasm for the chronically humorless).
Ok Kadoin, thats all well and good, but how do I adjust the buffer? Didn't see anything about that.
Edit: Found the buffer size adjustment. Both TX and RX are now at 512. RX (i think was at 256). I'll see how this goes. Also changed another setting for 1gb full duplex (rather than automatic)