Weekday Daytime PS4/NA Trial/Social guild usually with free trader

BandoftheHawk are a day 1 guild still alive and kicking it. We have a vibrant guild chat during the daytime hours on weekdays.

Currently what we have to offer:-
  • Weekly (Wednesday) daytime trial which will be extended to twice per week shortly
  • No DPS/Gear checking - this is NOT an end-game trial guild that will breeze through content, we work for what we get
  • An officer who boasts a guild house with all the attuned crafting stations (including jewelry stations) and all the mundus stones etc
  • A Discord channel for trial signups and event (and general chatter)
  • Multiple master crafters (including 9 trait jewelry crafters)
  • No fees, but we often get a decent trader that you can enjoy free of charge

If you're interested you can shoot Ima_rat an ingame message, or PSN (Guildmaster) or join our Discord channel and drop your PSN in the Invite Channel https://discord.gg/gPTe7RW
  • Silumgahr
    Hello, I've been looking for a trial guild without all the elitist requirements some of the bigger guilds have. I was just curious as to what your definition of "daytime trials" was? A friend and I have been looking for a chill trial guild, but he's not typically available until the evening during the weekdays.
  • Rittings
    Daytime I mean 11am-4pm EST.

    If you need a similar evening guild may I make the STRONGEST suggestion of The Black Embrace. They have the same ethos, but typically run their trials in evenings and weekends :) They too have a post up in these forums.
  • cjhhickman39
    PSN CJ3955H requests an invite your guild fits my play time only on from around 9 to 3 EST when real life allows
  • WeylandLabs
    @Rittings From AD whaaa ... You run a trial guild bro wow gtk.

    Inv me ! Shokasegambit let's smash these vet trials again.
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