So, I’m at roughly 40 runs with no page. Burnt out and sick of COH doesn’t even begin to express my frustration. I typically like to earn all my loot but I’m close to throwing in the towel on this one. I’m starting to wonder wth @zos means by “double your chances” at this point. Anyhow, does the page come up under “motif” in a guild trader search or something else? (Since it’s not really a motif). Seriously not looking forward to the other dungeons you can’t pug in 10 minutes
So, I’m at roughly 40 runs with no page. Burnt out and sick of COH doesn’t even begin to express my frustration. I typically like to earn all my loot but I’m close to throwing in the towel on this one. I’m starting to wonder wth @zos means by “double your chances” at this point. Anyhow, does the page come up under “motif” in a guild trader search or something else? (Since it’s not really a motif). Seriously not looking forward to the other dungeons you can’t pug in 10 minutes
It comes up under "containers" if you have awesome guild store.
I feel you. someone I ran with got it after 58 runs. Im on about run 20. Still many more to go...
So, I’m at roughly 40 runs with no page. Burnt out and sick of COH doesn’t even begin to express my frustration. I typically like to earn all my loot but I’m close to throwing in the towel on this one. I’m starting to wonder wth @zos means by “double your chances” at this point. Anyhow, does the page come up under “motif” in a guild trader search or something else? (Since it’s not really a motif). Seriously not looking forward to the other dungeons you can’t pug in 10 minutes
It comes up under "containers" if you have awesome guild store.
I feel you. someone I ran with got it after 58 runs. Im on about run 20. Still many more to go...
Thank you! I’m on PS4, so I have @zos fantastic design on trading/searching in the game.
So, I’m at roughly 40 runs with no page. Burnt out and sick of COH doesn’t even begin to express my frustration. I typically like to earn all my loot but I’m close to throwing in the towel on this one. I’m starting to wonder wth @zos means by “double your chances” at this point. Anyhow, does the page come up under “motif” in a guild trader search or something else? (Since it’s not really a motif). Seriously not looking forward to the other dungeons you can’t pug in 10 minutes
It comes up under "containers" if you have awesome guild store.
I feel you. someone I ran with got it after 58 runs. Im on about run 20. Still many more to go...
Thank you! I’m on PS4, so I have @zos fantastic design on trading/searching in the game.
ew thats awful. Consumables, as above, is then what you're looking for. Hopefully your prices on PS4 are better than on PC. I think the ones i saw were like 200k.