I was using a siege at the Allessia bridge (AD side Vivec) and noticed the guy beside me had his siege on fire all of a sudden. Looked down and saw a dead enemy near, so thought nothing of it. Was zoomed out and watching mine and all of a sudden IT was on fire, but again no enemy visible. Then moved on top of the bridge platform top, siege up there and several AD were with me. I hear dual wield sound effects and get off the siege, and see the guy beside me apparently taking damage then dead. Again, no enemy is visible. Then another guy up there starts taking damage. I throw caltrops and the guy briefly pops out of stealth for a split second then back to invisible. I allowed myself to get hit next and die, and the recap showed everything from 3 surprise attacks, light attack, and I think bloodcraze. All attacks the player SHOULD have been visible for especially considering I was looking right at where he should have been and had my back to the overhang (so no way he was behind me). Guy stayed invisible the entire attack........