I am not one to overly complain. But can we please have some sort of challenge that is not DPS driven?
I know that Maestrum Arena is about the mechanics but most of them REQUIRE burning the bosses which healers and tanks just can't do. Same with Battlegrounds. Although a healer and tank can partake getting kills finishing with a mostly tank or healer is just painful.
I know that I could have gone to Cyrodill and tried to kill people with siege but still then you have the finishing blow issue. And getting the scamp, lets not even start there.
I have tried respecking to more DPS build but there is so much more to good DPSing than just having the skills on the bar. The gear and the attributes are all based on not doing a ton of damage which all of these challenges require.
In PvP tanks can out live most burst kills but a healer, no way. I get CCd to death so fast and with no stamina because most healers are magicka based I get like 4 steps away and am still dead.
I do have DPS characters and I do some with them, but I choose to be a healer on my main.
It would be nice if we had some challenges that were tank based and/or healing based, like rez a certain number of people in Battlegrounds. Block a certain amount of damage. Heal a few million health.
Anything that is not DPS forcing. Or make the kills assists not finishing blows..........The number of DPS that stole my kills off using my "execute Jesus Beam" was so much fun to see.
Although I like running in some big groups in PvP, it is disheartening to be forced to try to find DPS on my healer. And I know tanks feel the same way......
And for all those that say just completely respeck, no one wants to have to respeck a healer or tank constantly just so we can do DPS.
How would you DPS like to respeck constantly to heal or tank........