Last nite while riding to help a keep take I see what I thought was a dead enemy player.
So, I ignore him and ride past, big mistake, he he.
He/she pops up, and throws a few arrows my way and dang im dead.
Well I would like to say , WtFG player for an inventive trap.
bloodthirstyvampire wrote: »You should make another thread asking to see more creative, ingenious, stratagies and tactics.
They really sold me on pvp
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »A couple things to look out for:
- Dead players land on their back, not their belly. (/playdead)
- Dead players won't have an active health bar.
I'm sure I've died on my face loads of times. But maybe I'm just remembering wrong!Merlin13KAGL wrote: »A couple things to look out for:
- Dead players land on their back, not their belly. (/playdead)
- Dead players won't have an active health bar.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »A couple things to look out for:
- Dead players land on their back, not their belly. (/playdead)
- Dead players won't have an active health bar.
BozzyTheDrummer wrote: »Have ya'll ever seen when someone dies, and I guess they re spawn or something, but their corpse is just moving around like they are running, but it's just their corpse sliding all across the floor? *** cracks me up!
Last nite while riding to help a keep take I see what I thought was a dead enemy player.
So, I ignore him and ride past, big mistake, he he.
He/she pops up, and throws a few arrows my way and dang im dead.
Well I would like to say , WtFG player for an inventive trap.
those traps are ok.
trap I hate is, when you see mate from your aliance fighting someone from another. you decide to help, so you're approaching and... your "aliance" stops "fighting" and you're killed fast by his opponent and 2-3 more hidden at rock above
There was a loan night blade on his horse, facing the other way. I thought, nice, low hanging fruit...mistake. As soon as my light attack hit him and I came out of stealth, a gang of DC became un-stealthed and disposed of me quickly...
You tricky tricky DC you...
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »I will tell my greatest (almost) trap story.
I was riding along between BRK and Sej. I see a columbine right in the middle of the field, and not gonna lie, Bear breaks for columbine. I get off my mount and go to loot the flower and it was nothing but worms. I immediately get a burst from a ganker, somehow recover, and manage to kill him. We engaged in a little discourse after the fight, and he admitted that he had got quite a few people with that trick. I thought it was pretty good.
redspecter23 wrote: »
One of my favorite things to do in IC. Take your group in the districts and walk over to a sewer grate leading to the underground. Have one player out in the street with his bags open (clearly not paying attention). Everyone else on the sewer door. On the count of 3, the players on the door go into sneak mode, making it appear as though they are entering the underground and will be on a load screen. Wait for the inevitable ganker on your lone street player. When they appear, jump the ganker with your superior numbers. Wait for the hate whispers. I call this "gank the ganker"