To put it succinctly, these are far too rare and the drop rate should be increased or they should be added to furnishing envelopes. I realize this is likely a common refrain, but allow me to add my experience to it. I have for months farmed Dwarven ruins (Public Dungeons and Delves) multiple times a day most days. It is true I took about a month off to farm the Alinor plans, but with the exception of that it has been a constant farm. I have even had multiple people assist me in this endeavor. In that time, I have had three or four purple drops one of which was a duplicate. At the present drop rate it would take me another two years (optimistic estimate) of farming to find the remaining recipes.
I have yet to see the Dwarven Table, Refined; Dwarven Table, Assembly; Dwarven Sconce, Barred, Dwarven Chandelier, Braced; Dwarven Chandelier, Barred; or the Dwarven Platform, Steps. These plans are sufficiently rare that a daily trek to TTC has not turned anything up either. Though to be fair, I did spot the Dwarven Sconce, Barred once. It was listed for five million gold.
The Gods know I don't mind a good farm; one could say it is all that I do in this game, but this is absurd.
Edited by Ravenson on August 1, 2018 12:29PM