How does one even get a "private" guild bank ? Don't you need 10 people to form a guild ?
- Update 23Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
I remember playing ESO early on before the crafting bag, and honestly I can't see how I did it. Ever since it became part of eso Plus (one tam update?), If i'm playing the game, I'm doing it with the crafting bag.
A few months ago, I abandoned my empire on the X1, and restarted from scratch on the PC (and not regretting it one bit) and thus I switched my eso plus over as well. Occasionally I log back in to my x1 but I find myself unable to function with a constant filled inventory.
So I'm just curious for those who don't use plus, what methods do you use for inv management. Is it as simple as using other characters as mules? Or do you just sell everything and not use the crafting system? I've also thought with the addition of the storage chests, you could potentially use that as your crafting bag.
Reading some of the other eso plus threads on the front page got me thinking about this, so was just curious about your opinions and how you do it. Thanks.
@Tryxus Oh, that's right ! Still, if it's a private bank, how do people do it ? TELL ME YOUR SECRET *u*
First, get all storage coffers - these will hold sets or things you sit on for future sales
now for bank:
- Dont store any lower tier materials
- Dont store any unrefined materials (keep them in crafter inventory)
- Dont store any weapon/armor traits (helps stocking on them when eso+ event is happening to move them)
- Dont store any provisioning materials (except purple, gold)
- Keep reasonable amount of stacks of top tier materials
- Dont store alkahest
- Dont store TA rune (stock on it and get it moved to craft bag when times comes)
- Periodically try to sell style materials
Keep alternative sets on characters that need em. Put furnishing in empty houses (buy one if need to). Split your activities between characters - dont have your crafter also be your main pve char or main pvp char - helps greatly if you can just stack sieges and geodes on your pvp char(s) and your pve char(s) have free inventory to actually loot things.
And thats how you can manage without craft bag and without mules.
If you cant affort 13 euro/month you should play something else.