I just ran into the weirdest thing in a domination BG. One of the purple players was a magDK that made a point to engage me at the spawn instead of going for objectives, part of my team had already rage quit by this point.
However in fighting this guy twice, he was completely immune to my Petrify (I'm a stamDK). I couldn't land this ability once, I was spamming the button and nothing was happening I just kept eating whips to the face while he petrified me 3-4 times per encounter.
He was not using immovable pots, or the immovable heavy armor skill. My ability WAS NOT greyed out when targetting this opponent. He was 100%, completely immune to my CC for 20-30 seconds straight while he cc'd me on cooldown, ulted, and whipped me to death.
This player, and all of the players on his team finished the domination with zero deaths. Which isn't in and of itself a crazy thing, but when this dude was fighting me it was super sketchy.
I have been playing BGs all night and never had trouble using my Petrify on a target if the ability was NOT GREYED out, and they were in range, met the proper conditions etc. This guy met all the conditions and should have been CC'd by my ability and he wasn't. It wasn't a LOS thing, it wasn't a range thing. He was literally in my face on flat terrain, petrifying ME three to four times per fight, and not once would MY petrify stun him.
I actually could have beat this guy if my CC would have went off. All my other abilities fired off like they have been all night. It was the most bizarre thing I've seen and after constant queuing and never having trouble landing Petrify when the conditions were right, this was just super sketchy. I mean I don't want to cry cheater but what the actual hell?
Is there some cheat that makes players immune to Petrify/Rune Cage in BGs or am I crazy?
There is NO WAY this guy had CC immunity for 20-30 seconds straight while standing right in my face spamming his own CC and whip.
Weirdest thing I've seen so far in BGs.