Elwendryll wrote: »60k health? Hmm, now I want to theorycraft to see if I can get this number in non-cp xD
Elwendryll wrote: »I can get this number without cp xD
Yes. You could be quite unkillable if you build for it. But you can also make a build that could kill that. I would look up some sets like knight slayer that deals oblivion and %health based damages.Get this on Chaos ball and Relics and you can pretty much just wait till its over.
Elwendryll wrote: »Yes. You could be quite unkillable if you build for it. But you can also make a build that could kill that. I would look up some sets like knight slayer that deals oblivion and %health based damages.Get this on Chaos ball and Relics and you can pretty much just wait till its over.
This is clearly intended to deal with this kind of builds. Am I brave enough to recommend someone using Sload's Semblance on the forum? I don't know. But the latter was originally designed for this kind of builds.
I dont think sload was ever designed to deal with this kind of builds. Its a common misconception. Anyone can use it vs anyone, without any limitations whatsoever.
Changes announced by Eric Wrobel, Lead Combat Designer, on yesterday's ESO Live (2018-07-20, watch it here)
Sload's Semblance was designed to be useful against Heavy Armor Tank builds who are hard to kill, hence it does Oblivion damage which cuts through Heavy Armor and shielding. However it's unambiguously better against all armor types. So the number of ticks has been reduced. To combat the situation where people get lots of Sload's stacks at once, there is now a visual cue that the projectile is starting so you can roll-dodge the effect or start pre-casting heals or damage shields. This cue looks like a like a sload's attack, and "gives you a lot of strategic options".
Elwendryll wrote: »60k health? Hmm, now I want to theorycraft to see if I can get this number in non-cp xD
He was completely unkillable... healing his teammates and still could kill others, that's what baffles me the most... I have no words...
That's because we have cooldowns that are longer than the period of time they actually thought about this set. If it scaled up based on enemy armor class, it would actually work as intended without burning those with less armor.Elwendryll wrote: »Well, maybe you don't think that, but I clearly heard Wrobel say that it was designed to deal with heavy armor builds during the stream, and that it was not really intended that it's unambiguously better against any type of armor. I hardly see how my comments can be seen as a 'misconception', that's not an opinion, just the official statement from the devs.
This. You can damage all day long, but you don't have to be in his lap in the process. You're going to have to seriously focus fire and CC/Stun for all your worth when he allows it, but it can be done.TheDarkShadow wrote: »It's not him who killed your teammate. It was you and others that killed him by keep attacking the blazing shield templar. Without anyone attacking, or everyone stay at range, the blazing shield templar have no damage, no sustain.
Surround yourself with solar rays, granting a damage shield equal to 30% of your Max Health for 6 seconds. Each nearby enemy increases the shield's strength by 4% when the shield is activated. When the shield expires it explodes outward, dealing [33 / 36 / 39 / 42]% of the damage it absorbed to nearby enemies.
But he uses taunt on usTheDarkShadow wrote: »It's not him who killed your teammate. It was you and others that killed him by keep attacking the blazing shield templar. Without anyone attacking, or everyone stay at range, the blazing shield templar have no damage, no sustain.
Elwendryll wrote: »I can get this number without cp xD
[Edited for real world religious reference]