Shields Shields Shields

Greetings everyone. well somehow i felt i had to start this post about about maybe ending sorcerer´s reign in pvp now. I´ve been playing eso for years now and i still believe it is a very good game but there are some things i really got sick of meanwhile. most important one is fighting a sorc in pvp. well some of you may laugh now others may complain but if you ever had a meeting with a hostile shield-stacker you probably know what i am talking about. i know there are many sorcs out there enjoying to be kings of battlefield not being killable and this is the point. when ever i fight a sorc i only fight shields. if you do 150.000 dmg to a sorc just hitting his shield (Hardened Ward) for 120.000 to 125.000 you recognize something is going wrong in pvp. Let me repeat it please.Dmg on SHIELD is about 120.000+ means a sorc does not even feel tickled . i never tried how far a fight would go but i guess it would end up at hitting shields for more than dmg. (guess i do not have to note they never run out of magicka do i ) this is simply ridiculous to be honest. Either grant other light armor players the right of getting the same kind of shield or change something please. would just be fair. I know balance is not really a characteristic feature of ESO but it could be. maybe...someday...who knows. so all i hope for is anyone from ZOS is reading this and starts to think about it. i do not want this to be a post for haters or people who love insulting others. it is just my thoughts and if you like comment it but always remember. stay nice and polite. B) Enjoy the game and stay away from sorcs. keeps you alive bit longer longer in pvp B)
Edited by Shark2016 on July 27, 2018 11:24PM
  • OGLezard
    You are aware they do run out of magicka and that shields are their only defense?

    They are not gods lol

    If you see them dark dealing it means they are low on magicka and are now using stamina to get magicka back which means they are now low on stamina........

    CC and snares can force them to use stamina to break free and dodge roll. Killing sorcs is not as hard as it was a long time ago. Fun fact, if they are using engine guardian, when you see it start to build itself, focus that by bashing it to stop it. Turns it into a wasted monster set.

    Imo there are far more dangerous builds out there compared to a shield stacking sorc.
  • WrathOfInnos
    You should make a sorc. You will definitely be invincible and destroy everyone in PVP.
  • Waffennacht
    You can run Dampen + Healing for your own stacking pleasure.

    You can run Torug's, Knightslayer, Sload, infused Oblivion damage alone, or shield breaker to bypass Shields.

    Or you can use an ability with a 14k Tooltip to simply out last any shield user.

    You also may have luck with DoTs as no sorc has a way to remove dots, or any debuffs
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Emma_Overload
    Here is a short list of builds that can murder any Sorc if played well:

    1) Stamina or Magicka Nightblades

    2) Stamina Wardens

    3) Magicka Dragonknights

    4) Any Stamina bleed build with Masters Axes

    5) Any other Sorcerer, of course, although it can take a while.
  • TheCaptainJosh
    If you separated the wall of text I might have been able to take you more seriously
    PC NA
  • ak_pvp
    Shields have massive soft counterplay issues, but they aren't OP. They can melt quite easily, and nerfing them would bring it full swing to a stamina meta, since mobility is already the best "defense." Out of active defenses, its cloak>shield>block>=dodge. But the mobility kind of makes up for it on stam side.

    I'd like sorc to have better mobility but then to adjust shields so that not every idiot can spam to their hearts content, mobility requires more thought, and matches the original design of sorc.
    Edited by ak_pvp on July 28, 2018 6:16AM
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • WuffyCerulei
    You can counter sorcs, like oblivion damage. i say don't use sloads tho, due to it being hated widely. You may get a bit of hate and disrespect using it. Though I hate it, shieldbreaker is also a way to combat sorcs.
    Or make them sap their stam so you can stun them.
    Sorcerer's pretty much been the same for years. Nerf Rush of Agony and Saints&Seducer's
  • Vahrokh
    As usual: as we get nerfed an ability, IMMEDIATELY NEXT, even before the new nerf goes live, we get demanded a new nerf.

    It never, never ends.
  • Waffennacht
    Vahrokh wrote: »
    As usual: as we get nerfed an ability, IMMEDIATELY NEXT, even before the new nerf goes live, we get demanded a new nerf.

    It never, never ends.

    It never stopped
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Tarrocan
    Shieldbreaker + torugs, infused weapon with oblivion damage can help :)
    AD MagDK 'General Degree <-Main
    AD MagDK 'Kiana
    AD MagDK Kiana The Fire Mage
    AD MagDK General Degree
    AD MagDK 'Tarrocan
    AD StamDK Tarrocan
    AD MagNB GrimKiller
    AD MagCro Som Ting Wong
    AD StamCro 'Som Ting Wong
    AD MagPlar Della Grant
    AD StamPlar R I M M A
    AD MagSorc Nautilus
    AD StamSorc R O M M I
    AD StamNB Iba
    AD MagDen Desi Roots
    AD StamDen Diablo
  • idk
    OGLezard wrote: »
    You are aware they do run out of magicka and that shields are their only defense?

    Some people have not figure out how to fight them, even after years of practice.

    I remember in a different MMORPG, healing in PvP, I would get DPS trying to dps me down but would fail to use actual tactics and as such would fail.

    PvP is much more than just standing their pressing buttons in a certain order.
  • Kadoin
    OGLezard wrote: »
    You are aware they do run out of magicka and that shields are their only defense?

    They are not gods lol

    Even better when mag builds run out of stamina OR someone puts a stam cost poison and drain poison on them.That will make any mag char sweat...
  • thankyourat
    I think the op is using a Magicka character and I believe his issue is with harness Magicka and not shields in general. Harness Magicka allows Magicka users to stall each other out since most Magicka burst damage isn't readily available. I notice a huge difference in my sustain when fighting other Magicka users compared to when I fight a stamina character. Magicka vs Magicka the one using harness is at a huge advantage and if both are using harness be ready for a 10 minute fight.
  • ItsNebula
    L2P or go back to PvE. Sorcs arnt as easy to play as people make them out to be. I’ve killed PLENTY of MagSorcs before, even on my MagSorc and even some big names that played a MagSorc. Most recent one being a s’it talker in zone from a well known small scale PvP guild.
    Shields are how sorcs stay alive.. you probably got 1vX’d by one and now you’re saying “sOrCs ArR oVeR pOwErEd”

    Honestly, just L2P. If you can get a Sorc to stay on the defensive as a stam toon he isn’t doing dmg and he’s wasting magicka. Can’t cast shields forever bud.
    Most sorcs with no shields are EASY to kill in 4 shots.. IF that.
    Now, your ticket for the “NeRf MaGsOrC!” Train has expired. You may hop off now.
  • ItsNebula
    Tarrocan wrote: »
    Shieldbreaker + torugs, infused weapon with oblivion damage can help :)

    Shield breaker, the ultimate bad Zergling trash to look too.
    Using SB against a MagSorc is almost the equivalent of saying “OH 2 shot me first! I have no dmg and no resistances! I’m the easy target! But I’m you’re biggest threat”
  • Nicko_Lps
    You have a shieldbreaker set VS me, i do not have a dodgebreaker or cloakbreaker or a blockbreaker that deals XXXX oblivion dmg to you each time you block/cloak/dodge because in case you missed it the only damage mitigation forms in this game is shields/block/dodge/cloak.

    Use shield breaker and punish sorc GODs, now if you use shieldbreaker and still get outplayied your problem is not the shields..
    Edited by Nicko_Lps on July 28, 2018 2:20PM
  • Mister_DMC
    Pressure a sorc until you see their health start to dip, then cc ulti dump and GG.
  • Minalan
    ItsNebula wrote: »
    Tarrocan wrote: »
    Shieldbreaker + torugs, infused weapon with oblivion damage can help :)

    Shield breaker, the ultimate bad Zergling trash to look too.
    Using SB against a MagSorc is almost the equivalent of saying “OH 2 shot me first! I have no dmg and no resistances! I’m the easy target! But I’m you’re biggest threat”

    Shieldbreaker plus sloads = lol Sorc
    ItsNebula wrote: »
    Here is a short list of builds that can murder any Sorc if played well:

    1) Stamina or Magicka Nightblades

    2) Stamina Wardens

    3) Magicka Dragonknights

    4) Any Stamina bleed build with Masters Axes

    5) Any other Sorcerer, of course, although it can take a while.

    You’re just bad at sorc

    PTS Sorcs aren’t quite god-mode anymore.
  • mikegundy
    Sorcs are not gods, they just excel at surviving. A decent sorc who knows how to shield stack can be a pain to kill for an inexperienced player but not impossible. If your not getting past shields you need to look at your build and you need to learn how to combo your attacks (CCing at the right time). Spamming surprise attack or dizzy swing will not get you past shields.
    Gundysorc - AR50

    GM of Hysteria
  • ak_pvp
    Nicko_Lps wrote: »
    You have a shieldbreaker set VS me, i do not have a dodgebreaker or cloakbreaker or a blockbreaker that deals XXXX oblivion dmg to you each time you block/cloak/dodge because in case you missed it the only damage mitigation forms in this game is shields/block/dodge/cloak.

    Use shield breaker and punish sorc GODs, now if you use shieldbreaker and still get outplayied your problem is not the shields..

    Well, in that specific idea, dodge and block breaker come in the form of abilities that are undodgable and unblockable.
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • Brrrofski
    Shields isn't what's broken about sorcs. Rune cage and mages wrath is way more of an issue than shields. Shield stacking is fine, I have no issue with it.
  • Zelos
    Nicko_Lps wrote: »
    You have a shieldbreaker set VS me, i do not have a dodgebreaker or cloakbreaker or a blockbreaker that deals XXXX oblivion dmg to you each time you block/cloak/dodge because in case you missed it the only damage mitigation forms in this game is shields/block/dodge/cloak.

    Use shield breaker and punish sorc GODs, now if you use shieldbreaker and still get outplayied your problem is not the shields..

    Cloak breaker = Sloads + Magelight + Detect pots

    Block breaker = Sloads + Dots and Bleeds

    Dodge breaker = Sloads and Magsorcs burst
    I believe these are what you are looking for
    Aeonhack - AD Stamina Nightblade - 5 Star General


    Creator and user of "Questionable" addons and game mechanics.
  • Killset
    ItsNebula wrote: »
    L2P or go back to PvE. Sorcs arnt as easy to play as people make them out to be. I’ve killed PLENTY of MagSorcs before, even on my MagSorc and even some big names that played a MagSorc. Most recent one being a s’it talker in zone from a well known small scale PvP guild.
    Shields are how sorcs stay alive.. you probably got 1vX’d by one and now you’re saying “sOrCs ArR oVeR pOwErEd”

    Honestly, just L2P. If you can get a Sorc to stay on the defensive as a stam toon he isn’t doing dmg and he’s wasting magicka. Can’t cast shields forever bud.
    Most sorcs with no shields are EASY to kill in 4 shots.. IF that.
    Now, your ticket for the “NeRf MaGsOrC!” Train has expired. You may hop off now.
    I think your posts actually kill brain cells.
  • Nicko_Lps
    Zelos wrote: »
    Nicko_Lps wrote: »
    You have a shieldbreaker set VS me, i do not have a dodgebreaker or cloakbreaker or a blockbreaker that deals XXXX oblivion dmg to you each time you block/cloak/dodge because in case you missed it the only damage mitigation forms in this game is shields/block/dodge/cloak.

    Use shield breaker and punish sorc GODs, now if you use shieldbreaker and still get outplayied your problem is not the shields..

    Cloak breaker = Sloads + Magelight + Detect pots

    Block breaker = Sloads + Dots and Bleeds

    Dodge breaker = Sloads and Magsorcs burst
    I believe these are what you are looking for

    Im not looking for anything, im just looking for less non L2P forum whiners.

    There can be NO magscorc burst + sload.
  • Beardimus
    Lol to this whole thread. Yet another... Yawn.

    I mean the positive is there are lots of new players coming into PvP, which can only explain all the Sorc feedback. It's cool tho once you L2P against all classes you'll realise how easy Sorc are to counter.

    I have no energy to cover all points properly, but as others said, 2 wards you can run (LA/Restro), active defence costs crazy resources. Only decent players can keep that up and offence at same time. Most will spam shields and after doing.that 3 times be out of magika.

    Have you run poisons?
    Have you attacked their stamina?
    Etc etc yawn.
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • Nicko_Lps
    Beardimus wrote: »
    Lol to this whole thread. Yet another... Yawn.

    I mean the positive is there are lots of new players coming into PvP, which can only explain all the Sorc feedback. It's cool tho once you L2P against all classes you'll realise how easy Sorc are to counter.

    I have no energy to cover all points properly, but as others said, 2 wards you can run (LA/Restro), active defence costs crazy resources. Only decent players can keep that up and offence at same time. Most will spam shields and after doing.that 3 times be out of magika.

    Have you run poisons?
    Have you attacked their stamina?
    Etc etc yawn.

    They just dont realize that magsorc gets 2shotted without shields OR they realize it and non L2P scenarios crave for 2hit and ap from magsorcs.
  • ExcaliburESO
    Nah m8 there is counter to this I have a guild that has 2 days during weekend that they pvp in group of 10 12 ppl 2 healers 2 sorcs and rest run shield breaker and sload and just hunt sorcs. I saw sorcs dying in 2 sec and the rage wsp are delicious and I answer to them same as they on forums. *l2p issues adapt or leave*.. I love it
    Edited by ExcaliburESO on July 29, 2018 12:12PM
  • Biro123
    Nah m8 there is counter to this I have a guild that has 2 days during weekend that they pvp in group of 10 12 ppl 2 healers 2 sorcs and rest run shield breaker and sload and just hunt sorcs. I saw sorcs dying in 2 sec and the rage wsp are delicious and I answer to them same as they on forums. *l2p issues adapt or leave*.. I love it

    And people say the sorc' hate isn't real...
    Minalan owes me a beer.

    PC EU Megaserver
    Minie Mo - Stam/Magblade - DC
    Woody Ron - Stamplar - DC
    Aidee - Magsorc - DC
    Notadorf - Stamsorc - DC
    Khattman Doo - Stamblade - Relegated to Crafter, cos AD.
  • Sergykid
    those sheep agreeing to whoever defends sorcs. They are not right ok? in not a single case one can say sorcs are ok since they can be defeated only if outnumbered or by someone who built especially against them
    -PC EU- / battlegrounds on my youtube
  • RebornV3x
    Sorcs are not OP they haven't been OP since maybe 2.2 I admit that Rune Cage is overperforming they just need to reduce the stun duration a bit and Sorc will more or less be fine( I've already detailed my other balence changes in other thread) I wreak sorcs all the time on my stam and mag Nightblade and occasionally on my stam/mag Dk its all about timing your stuns and know what to look for and sorcs are easy pickings
    Edited by RebornV3x on July 29, 2018 1:46PM
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
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