We are currently investigating issues some players are having on the megaservers. We will update as new information becomes available.
We are currently investigating issues some players are having with the ESO Store and Account System. We will update as new information becomes available.
In response to the ongoing issue, the ESO Store and Account System have been taken offline for maintenance.
Veteran Halls of Fabrication - Pinnacle Factotum: Lightning AOEs upstairs invisible
server: PC / EU
location: Halls of Fabrication, Morrowind
When: 2nd Boss, Pinnacle Factotum activates the platforms for upstairs and 2-4 players use them to go up.
Everytime?: Nope again a low chance of happening around 10% but still often enough.
What happens: The static Lightning field AOEs that move around on the floor between the different Spheres upstairs are invisible. They can still damage you whilst invisible.
What is meant to happen: The Lightning fields are visible and players can avoid them by going around or through them quickly.
Since when has this been happening: Since Morrowind launch.