I know that some of you do have a potion (recipe) for improving your RNG ! PLEASE SHARE THE RECIPE!!
Crown crates - I never get anything useful; master writs- 2-5 voucher writs for me - never more; Summerset and Vvardenfell chests - NO MOTIFS- only junk; Praxis, diagrams, recipes - I only find stupid low ones. Even Traitors Vault is useless and a time wasting exercise for me - stupid white weapons and stupid lockpicks...
I've heard rumours that whilst fishing in Summerset, you have a chance to catch a bottle that might contain motif pages - tried for hours - nothing.
Those stupid white portals - only stupid runes for me...
Why I know that there must be a potion: because of people that show off what they get (in chat), great stuff that some of you get...and it makes me so jealous...
I feel so unlucky...