This is pretty much the only reason I'm looking forward to Midyear Mayhem
Edit: for keep fights, I was thinking Undo would be the better front bar ult, to help with escaping the blob and preparing to do it all over again. What do you like about Empowering Sweep?
I'm guessing that you are using an invisibility pot. And empowered sweep/dawnbreaker for the ult. Pretty awesome damage.
ellahellabella wrote: »that bomb at 0:58 lol. To bomb, only then to become victim to another bomber, what a beautiful way to go...
I would have whispered Twitch after that. "Softened em for ya"
Hiho ~ Title covers it all up... Magicka Templar surprisingly is probably the best bomber, especially group wise due to Solar Barrage being *unexpectedly* super strong.[/yt]
Hope you enjoyed!