Dear Zos,
Ever since last maintance it's been a lagg fest on both Xbox servers. You managed to fix 90% of the frozen screens. But as consequence the game is desynced. Not only PvP is effected by out of the blue deaths and group members that doesn't show up as death, despite they clearly are. Aoes of siege are way off, tics from keeps and resources come in with huge delay.
But you also managed to break PvE to a point that dungeons and trials aren't doable anymore. We have bar swap lagg, skills don't go off, the server doesn't register ultimates, enemies don't spawn in, mechanics happen way to late.
Attached you find a video of vet AA where you can see the enemies spawn in as friendly npcs. After 1 minute they finally changed to hostile. You can also catch a glimpse how skills don't fire off.
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