There needs to be a smaller healing cap on the zerg/AOE heals like healing springs, vigor, remembrance, and most importantly, earthgore. Cap each one at 6 people total getting healed. IIRC there is something like that already in place for most heals anyway.
AOE caps mean we can hit the Zergs all at once so they don’t mitigate damage by being togeter. We just need to make them lose their limitless healing through stacking.
Honestly I think the siege changes will help with this. It’ll empower the unorganized Zergs but hurt the organized Zergs.
That's a bad idea.
First of all more players will always have an advantage they bring more damage, more heals, more buffs etc and they should never be punished for using them to their advantage.
By running solo or in a smallscale group we deliberatly put ourselves at an disadvantage by not bringing more people and that is something we have to accept.
If you want additional help during fights go and join a zerg yourself because that's where you probably belong with that mindset.
The biggest issue is that things punish you further for being outnumbered and that's what is wrong.
Things like poison cooldown being based on the caster rather than the prey, PotL/ Purifying light using all damage rather than only the casters damage and the list goes on.
Also solo and smallscale is still done by many players (at least on PC EU) the number decreased a lot yes but that's because the whole pvp population went down.
Back in 2014 we had ~600 players on each alliance, right now the number is maybe 150-180 (no exact data available) ofc that means that back then we had more players overall, meaning we also had more solo players and smallscalers also keep in mind that many XvY mechanics (y<<x) were introduced with DLCs in the past and they turned many players away.
That's a bad idea.
First of all more players will always have an advantage they bring more damage, more heals, more buffs etc and they should never be punished for using them to their advantage.
By running solo or in a smallscale group we deliberatly put ourselves at an disadvantage by not bringing more people and that is something we have to accept.
If you want additional help during fights go and join a zerg yourself because that's where you probably belong with that mindset.
The biggest issue is that things punish you further for being outnumbered and that's what is wrong.
Things like poison cooldown being based on the caster rather than the prey, PotL/ Purifying light using all damage rather than only the casters damage and the list goes on.
Also solo and smallscale is still done by many players (at least on PC EU) the number decreased a lot yes but that's because the whole pvp population went down.
Back in 2014 we had ~600 players on each alliance, right now the number is maybe 150-180 (no exact data available) ofc that means that back then we had more players overall, meaning we also had more solo players and smallscalers also keep in mind that many XvY mechanics (y<<x) were introduced with DLCs in the past and they turned many players away.
I understand being solo and small scale youre putting youre self at a disadvantage.. if that, considering about 10 bad players is as good as 1 good player.
But the point is to try and bring back small scale / solo play. A lot of people hate to do it now, and a LOT of people who just played ESO for PvP have quit because theyre literally nothing but zergs in Cyrodill now.
And those players that have quit, are the same good players that dont like zerging. Having a 1% damage reduction per player past 4 will help try to increase the PvP pop. As a lot of players again, only play(ed) ESO for PvP solo/Small scale, but when you have 40+ people chasing you for 20mins straights dealing insane amounts of damage because they have 39 others helping them... is ridiculous.
20% dmg reduction max with a full 24man zerg isnt a huge killer to zergs, but more of a benefit to the PvP community.
And like @Thogard said, also having a heal cap for how many people you can heal at once is much needed.
With those 2 factors, it will grealty increase the amount of players coming back to PvP.
Lag, and zergs have killed a HUGE amount of the PvPers, and seem to be the 2 leading factors in why lots of people are quitting PvP, and ESO in general. 2 things if they dont fix, games like AOC and Crowfall wont even consider ESO a competition / competitor to there game once it releases.
Ik me, personally and defiantly a LOT of others will be quitting ESO once those 2 MMO's drop because ZOS cant seem to fix there game, ever.
VaranisArano wrote: »The best way to bring back small scalers (and everyone else) is to fix performance issues. Unfortunately, that's the part of the game we players have the least control over.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »why do you guys keep asking to DESTROY what is realistic ?
if you attack a group (of more then 4 or more) of people you should die, that is realistic, lets keep it the way it is please stop asking for nerfs!
So we all know that since zergs like to chase 1-4 people from Daggerfall to Ebonheart, with 40+ people. Its stupid, but they do it. They have LOADS of damage because.. well... lots of people.
Proposing and idea to help us solo players / small scallers, and so that solo/small scale wont die off, as it slowly is.
In game mechanic is, 5+ people is considered a LARGE group. Whether you agree or not, it is. So, i was figuring, -1% damage done for every player past 4 players (Cyro only). So if youre in a 24 man group, everyone in it will lose a total of 20% damage done. To me, this seems fair, as you got literally 23 other people to rely on for damage. Imho, this will start to revive solo and small scale play.
I understand people might say "Then people just wont start grouping" and then thats fine, if they cant group, itll be easier to lose the zerg, since the zerglings wont see a crown to follow.
And sure, the small scallers that run the 5-6 man groups will get a reduction, but itll only be 1-2% which is nothing.
This is to affect the zergs, while also benefiting small scallers. Also promoting small scale, as rewarding them with no damage reduction if they run in a group of 4 or less.
Let me know of your thoughts on this.
Edit; Better title
Joshlenoir wrote: »So we all know that since zergs like to chase 1-4 people from Daggerfall to Ebonheart, with 40+ people. Its stupid, but they do it. They have LOADS of damage because.. well... lots of people.
Proposing and idea to help us solo players / small scallers, and so that solo/small scale wont die off, as it slowly is.
In game mechanic is, 5+ people is considered a LARGE group. Whether you agree or not, it is. So, i was figuring, -1% damage done for every player past 4 players (Cyro only). So if youre in a 24 man group, everyone in it will lose a total of 20% damage done. To me, this seems fair, as you got literally 23 other people to rely on for damage. Imho, this will start to revive solo and small scale play.
I understand people might say "Then people just wont start grouping" and then thats fine, if they cant group, itll be easier to lose the zerg, since the zerglings wont see a crown to follow.
And sure, the small scallers that run the 5-6 man groups will get a reduction, but itll only be 1-2% which is nothing.
This is to affect the zergs, while also benefiting small scallers. Also promoting small scale, as rewarding them with no damage reduction if they run in a group of 4 or less.
Let me know of your thoughts on this.
Edit; Better title
I like your thinking, but a legitimate complaint with this is that 20 man zergs fighting other 20 man zergs will never end because of how much healing and tankiness is in the game, unless they did a % healing debuffs too but I don't know how I feel about that.
I think what should happen is AP gains start to exponentially decrease the larger your group becomes, which will make Zerg emps almost impossible to crown, and discourage people from entering full raids just to get a kill.
Also, another way to remedy this is so add back a new and improved dynamic ultimate generation system that gives you more ult if you and your team / faction mates around you are outnumbered. This could work without the need of grouping with someone.
So if 10 un grouped pugs get swarmed by 30 randoms they will get a higher ultimate gen and so on.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »why do you guys keep asking to DESTROY what is realistic ?
if you attack a group (of more then 4 or more) of people you should die, that is realistic, lets keep it the way it is please stop asking for nerfs!
So we all know that since zergs like to chase 1-4 people from Daggerfall to Ebonheart, with 40+ people. Its stupid, but they do it. They have LOADS of damage because.. well... lots of people.
Proposing and idea to help us solo players / small scallers, and so that solo/small scale wont die off, as it slowly is.
In game mechanic is, 5+ people is considered a LARGE group. Whether you agree or not, it is. So, i was figuring, -1% damage done for every player past 4 players (Cyro only). So if youre in a 24 man group, everyone in it will lose a total of 20% damage done. To me, this seems fair, as you got literally 23 other people to rely on for damage. Imho, this will start to revive solo and small scale play.
I understand people might say "Then people just wont start grouping" and then thats fine, if they cant group, itll be easier to lose the zerg, since the zerglings wont see a crown to follow.
And sure, the small scallers that run the 5-6 man groups will get a reduction, but itll only be 1-2% which is nothing.
This is to affect the zergs, while also benefiting small scallers. Also promoting small scale, as rewarding them with no damage reduction if they run in a group of 4 or less.
Let me know of your thoughts on this.
Edit; Better title
So we all know that since zergs like to chase 1-4 people from Daggerfall to Ebonheart, with 40+ people. Its stupid, but they do it. They have LOADS of damage because.. well... lots of people.
Proposing and idea to help us solo players / small scallers, and so that solo/small scale wont die off, as it slowly is.
In game mechanic is, 5+ people is considered a LARGE group. Whether you agree or not, it is. So, i was figuring, -1% damage done for every player past 4 players (Cyro only). So if youre in a 24 man group, everyone in it will lose a total of 20% damage done. To me, this seems fair, as you got literally 23 other people to rely on for damage. Imho, this will start to revive solo and small scale play.
I understand people might say "Then people just wont start grouping" and then thats fine, if they cant group, itll be easier to lose the zerg, since the zerglings wont see a crown to follow.
And sure, the small scallers that run the 5-6 man groups will get a reduction, but itll only be 1-2% which is nothing.
This is to affect the zergs, while also benefiting small scallers. Also promoting small scale, as rewarding them with no damage reduction if they run in a group of 4 or less.
Let me know of your thoughts on this.
Edit; Better title
Zergs aren't the problem, they are not why small scale in this game (and in many RvR type games) dies off, the problem is small scale.
Firstly you have terrible balance, because you have massive differences in regard to risk vs reward (hence why nightblades, sorcs, etc are pretty much always common in small scale) which are impossible to balance in a game mode like Cyrodil.
So the effect of that is that some people "give in" and switch to nightblade, magsorc, etc, or more commonly they simply stop doing small scale.
Secondly you have the level of hypocrisy, zergs do often chase small groups, but guess what most small groups do exactly the same thing, you see 4 guys chase down 1 guy or even worse simply gank 1 guy from stealth, then wonder why small scale dies.
Oh and incidentally in regard to zergs, quite often if they run down a handful of players, it is the same players who have "skillfully" been ganking the zerglings in their zerg builds trying to get to their zerg, so really people should not complain in many cases, but then that requires a bit of objectivity, logic and honesty.
No its a bad idea to reduce the damage.
In my opinion, an effective way to promote more small scale PvP in Cyrodiil is to add to the minimap the fog of war. Every force (in particular their strength) outside of the fog of war is revealed to the enemy. This is a classic way to provide an automatic indicator of the strength of the forces fighting each other while not revealing the entire map to promote surprise operations. Let me explain why this can promote small scale fights:
If it is more clearer how many people are fighting each other in certain areas, the opposite team can push towards those areas in which there are no people present, making a gathering of many many players in small spots highly vulnerable of all other areas.
Also this can dramatically value a single individual who is moving around the map and perform scouting operations. In order to avoid that people are sitting in stealth the entire time and revealing the minimap for their alliance, the fog of war should be revealed only if people are out of stealth for a certain period of time.
No its a bad idea to reduce the damage.
In my opinion, an effective way to promote more small scale PvP in Cyrodiil is to add to the minimap the fog of war. Every force (in particular their strength) outside of the fog of war is revealed to the enemy. This is a classic way to provide an automatic indicator of the strength of the forces fighting each other while not revealing the entire map to promote surprise operations. Let me explain why this can promote small scale fights:
If it is more clearer how many people are fighting each other in certain areas, the opposite team can push towards those areas in which there are no people present, making a gathering of many many players in small spots highly vulnerable of all other areas.
Also this can dramatically value a single individual who is moving around the map and perform scouting operations. In order to avoid that people are sitting in stealth the entire time and revealing the minimap for their alliance, the fog of war should be revealed only if people are out of stealth for a certain period of time.
That is a good idea, however you have to remember.. this is ZOS. That's to complex for a multimillionaire (if not, then more) company to pull off.
Having something simple, such as healing caps, dmg reduction for large groups etc can help promote it, also something that there can be literally no way ZOS can mess it up.
Then again, if they did.. i wouldnt be surprised.
There is a HUGE difference in 4 people chasing down 1 guy, to 40 people chasing down 1 guy. VERY, VERY large difference.
And no, NB's and Sorcs probably have it worse for open world (When its comes to Xv1), as a LOT of NB's rely on cloak, and with sets like Sloads.. they cant cloak, and Sorcs rely on shields.. which keeping up with 25k worth of shields while taking prolly a good 30k+ DPS from 20+ different people, shields arnt strong anymore.
And yes, Zergs and horrible lag/game issues is why small scaling is dying off.
So we all know that since zergs like to chase 1-4 people from Daggerfall to Ebonheart, with 40+ people. Its stupid, but they do it. They have LOADS of damage because.. well... lots of people.
Proposing and idea to help us solo players / small scallers, and so that solo/small scale wont die off, as it slowly is.
In game mechanic is, 5+ people is considered a LARGE group. Whether you agree or not, it is. So, i was figuring, -1% damage done for every player past 4 players (Cyro only). So if youre in a 24 man group, everyone in it will lose a total of 20% damage done. To me, this seems fair, as you got literally 23 other people to rely on for damage. Imho, this will start to revive solo and small scale play.
I understand people might say "Then people just wont start grouping" and then thats fine, if they cant group, itll be easier to lose the zerg, since the zerglings wont see a crown to follow.
And sure, the small scallers that run the 5-6 man groups will get a reduction, but itll only be 1-2% which is nothing.
This is to affect the zergs, while also benefiting small scallers. Also promoting small scale, as rewarding them with no damage reduction if they run in a group of 4 or less.
Let me know of your thoughts on this.
Edit; Better title