Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

The never ending balance problem.

  • Harbinger_GR
    karekiz wrote: »
    Unique mechanics/buffs/debuffs. Imagine for example only sorcs could provide major sorcery, only nightblades could provide major brutality, only DKs could provide major fracture and so on.

    Welp hello

    Stam NB
    Stam NB
    Stam NB / Heal NB

    Edit:) The issue with that system would be it would further basically rip apart ANY use of non DK tanks in group make up, while kicking the crap out of any magicka user that might want in 4 man difficult content. DK tanks are already powerful, you REALLY want to give them 100% control over major fracture? Really?

    Because you clearly didn't read it through, fine, DKs now apply major brutality and NBs major fracture.
  • webrgesner
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    What's even more insidious is putting op sets/skills/crafting in new dlcs to promote people buying it.... and nerfing it after the sales taper off.

    OMG i just realized that! Thats basically fake promoting the game. Shame on ZOS. I just realized theres ALWAYS something OP when patch comes and then ends up getting nerfed like TWO months later, instead of doing it before releasing the DLC since they DO have PTS and EVERYTIME a whole group of crowd is saying "this is OP" ZOS dont do jack to fix it before releasing. Im sure they keep it there so more people will buy the game. Also the CP keeps freaking raising they need to stop! As much as i love having CP its ruining the game and builds. I can see people being super tanky with great heals and mitigation also while hitting HARD in PVP. I am max CP but i feel bad for the lower levels. Its gonna make lower CP feel unwelcomed in cyrodiil. I remember when i was cp400 i was able to kill cp600. Now max cp is going to be780 and i dont thionk a cp400 has a chance against that
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