starkerealm wrote: »Something worth knowing about Tamriel. While each province has a native race, and that race accounts for the vast majority of the population there, they also have stable populations of the other nine races. These are people who are, effectively, native to that province, and whose families may have lived there for generations. Why fight for their ruler? Because it's their home, their ruler.
The different races live all over the place, there is no reason RP or otherwise a Dunmer living in Daggerfall or a Breton living in Skyrim wouldn't fight for their homes rather then some far off place they may never even have been to.
People defend the home they have right now, not the home their ancestors had generations ago.
VaranisArano wrote: »I have a variety of character races, but all of my characters that PVP do so for the Ebonheart Pact.
My most recent character, an Altmer who I made for Summerset, is EP. She's done the Summerset quest and is currently loyal to the Dominion, but as she explores more of Tamriel she's going to discover that the Dominion isn't all its cracked up to be and will gradually shift her allegiance to the Pact.
As has been pointed out, each Alliance has stable populations of each of the nine races.
That said, I like to have at least a vague RP outline as to why my characters are who/what/how they are.
I only play DC; so my DC dunmer magblade was actually born in Vvardenfell, but hates the caste system and dunmeri slavery. He defected to DC.
I'm not remarkably creative, so my DC Khajit stamblade is pretty similar; can't stand the @#$% "high" elves. Loves killing them. Makes for a difficult life under the Dominion, but that same murderous drive makes him valuable to the Covenant.
Despite having had that back from the start, I have never ever felt the desire to actually make a cross-alliance character, exactly -because- it felt a tad "off", backstory wise...Players with the Adventurer Pack Upgrade can play any race, in any alliance. So my question is for those who do so, and are role-playing...