So I have been doing daily BGs with many of my characters almost daily since summerset came out. I have sofar only gotten 13 Fanged Worm pages and 14 Horned Dragon pages, out of a total of 34 for each motif.
Yesterday I did daily BG with all 8 characters and got.. 0 pages!
Oh boy is this going to be fun to try and collect the 3 new BG outfits that will probably have an even lower drop chance unless you finish 1st place..?
Increase the drop rate a bit maybe, and also give it a small chance to drop pages from BG even in non-daily reward? So people who don't have 8-14 characters to run the daily with might stand a chance of getting the pages..
I am estimating that if I keep this up with doing the BG dailys with an average of 4 characters/day, it will take me another 4 months to complete the two current outfit motifs.. Not really worth the time/effort if you ask me..

But the last few days I have done them with 8 characters and gotten like 3 pages in 3-4 days(~24 daily boxes)..
And there is no alternative option to get them since they can't be traded/sold.. At least they don't seem to be dropping doubles of pages you already have, that would be horrible LOL