Sylvermynx wrote: »Winterhold? I thought it was Eastmarch/Windhelm?
starkerealm wrote: »Sylvermynx wrote: »Winterhold? I thought it was Eastmarch/Windhelm?
It is. Winterhold is not in ESO yet.
Sylvermynx wrote: »@starkerealm - thanks, I posted that and then had to go digging since I'm pretty new, and started second guessing....
@Dovahkiin804 - I'm not sure about the whole Skyrim timeline really. And this game seems to predate any of Skyrim's areas other than The Rift and Windhelm (and maybe Bleakrock) - though there are mentions of the Reachmen, Hagravens, and Briarhearts. I'd truly love to read a real "this is what happened when and where; and here's who was involved"!
3 DLC and one chapter.ESO typically has 4 DLCs and 1 Chapter every year
we just got summerset, new DLC around the corner (werewolf themes dungeon DLC)
Next up is blackmarsh quest DLC coming winter-xmass time I guess.
After that tho, is up too speculations as we dont know xD and most areas people have wanted is given xP
What we do know is that we will get one more dungeon DLC and then another quest DLC before next chapter goes live next summer
Dovahkiin804 wrote: »I hope they add whiterun and all that later but if I'm thinking right whiterun came a city long after the eso timeline I can't be for sure
Dovahkiin804 wrote: »I hope they add whiterun and all that later but if I'm thinking right whiterun came a city long after the eso timeline I can't be for sure
Whiterun should exist in some form. the Skyforge and Jorrvaskr are definitely already there, and Dragonsreach is obviously the place where a castle would be built if the village has rulers yet. it'd be pretty cool to see Whiterun without walls.
Dovahkiin804 wrote: »So I am just at level 28 and explored just about every place in eso
3 DLC and one chapter.ESO typically has 4 DLCs and 1 Chapter every year
we just got summerset, new DLC around the corner (werewolf themes dungeon DLC)
Next up is blackmarsh quest DLC coming winter-xmass time I guess.
After that tho, is up too speculations as we dont know xD and most areas people have wanted is given xP
What we do know is that we will get one more dungeon DLC and then another quest DLC before next chapter goes live next summer
Next is the werewolf dungeons, then probably murkmire followed by another dungeon dlc.
Then next chapter who we don't know that is.
Unlikely to be an argonian zone because of Murkmire, this has disapointed many argonian fans as they know they only get an dlc and years until zone.
Options left are High rock, Skyrim or Elsweyr.
My guess is high rock since I think they will save Skyrim as its an popular area who can be wort saving.
However Skyrim could easy be two chapters is including bleak rock.
Assuming Orsinium counts as a chapter, which I count and the time and cost of making it probably persuaded them to do business with the whole "chapter" dlc, and assuming they are following a cycle... I believe the next chapter will be within the Daggerfall Covenant.
I also would not be surprised at all if the chapter just so happens to take place within, or near, the same geographical area that TES6 will take place. It would be a great marketing opportunity for both ESO as well as maintaining the hype train of the next game before more is revealed at E3 in 2019.
3 DLC and one chapter.ESO typically has 4 DLCs and 1 Chapter every year
we just got summerset, new DLC around the corner (werewolf themes dungeon DLC)
Next up is blackmarsh quest DLC coming winter-xmass time I guess.
After that tho, is up too speculations as we dont know xD and most areas people have wanted is given xP
What we do know is that we will get one more dungeon DLC and then another quest DLC before next chapter goes live next summer
Next is the werewolf dungeons, then probably murkmire followed by another dungeon dlc.
Then next chapter who we don't know that is.
Unlikely to be an argonian zone because of Murkmire, this has disapointed many argonian fans as they know they only get an dlc and years until zone.
Options left are High rock, Skyrim or Elsweyr.
My guess is high rock since I think they will save Skyrim as its an popular area who can be wort saving.
However Skyrim could easy be two chapters is including bleak rock.
SilverIce58 wrote: »3 DLC and one chapter.ESO typically has 4 DLCs and 1 Chapter every year
we just got summerset, new DLC around the corner (werewolf themes dungeon DLC)
Next up is blackmarsh quest DLC coming winter-xmass time I guess.
After that tho, is up too speculations as we dont know xD and most areas people have wanted is given xP
What we do know is that we will get one more dungeon DLC and then another quest DLC before next chapter goes live next summer
Next is the werewolf dungeons, then probably murkmire followed by another dungeon dlc.
Then next chapter who we don't know that is.
Unlikely to be an argonian zone because of Murkmire, this has disapointed many argonian fans as they know they only get an dlc and years until zone.
Options left are High rock, Skyrim or Elsweyr.
My guess is high rock since I think they will save Skyrim as its an popular area who can be wort saving.
However Skyrim could easy be two chapters is including bleak rock.
High Rock is completely filled out. The only DC zone we're missing is Hammerfell. Also, there's likely no way to turn skyrim into 2 chapters or even 2 dlcs. At this point in time, skyrim was divided into eastern and western skyrim. The East joined the Pact, and the West is unexplorable at the moment. Id say the next chapter is either Hammerfell or Cyrodiil. Places that are big enough for dlcs but not chapters are Elsweyr, the rest of Black Marsh (we'll see how big Murkmire is), the east coast of Morrowind, the west of Skyrim, and i think the southeastern part of Cyrodiil.
Not to mention there are several islands we haven't explored either like Solstheim, or the lesser known like Roscrea, Yneslea, Esroniet to name a few.
SilverIce58 wrote: »3 DLC and one chapter.ESO typically has 4 DLCs and 1 Chapter every year
we just got summerset, new DLC around the corner (werewolf themes dungeon DLC)
Next up is blackmarsh quest DLC coming winter-xmass time I guess.
After that tho, is up too speculations as we dont know xD and most areas people have wanted is given xP
What we do know is that we will get one more dungeon DLC and then another quest DLC before next chapter goes live next summer
Next is the werewolf dungeons, then probably murkmire followed by another dungeon dlc.
Then next chapter who we don't know that is.
Unlikely to be an argonian zone because of Murkmire, this has disapointed many argonian fans as they know they only get an dlc and years until zone.
Options left are High rock, Skyrim or Elsweyr.
My guess is high rock since I think they will save Skyrim as its an popular area who can be wort saving.
However Skyrim could easy be two chapters is including bleak rock.
High Rock is completely filled out. The only DC zone we're missing is Hammerfell. Also, there's likely no way to turn skyrim into 2 chapters or even 2 dlcs. At this point in time, skyrim was divided into eastern and western skyrim. The East joined the Pact, and the West is unexplorable at the moment. Id say the next chapter is either Hammerfell or Cyrodiil. Places that are big enough for dlcs but not chapters are Elsweyr, the rest of Black Marsh (we'll see how big Murkmire is), the east coast of Morrowind, the west of Skyrim, and i think the southeastern part of Cyrodiil.
Not to mention there are several islands we haven't explored either like Solstheim, or the lesser known like Roscrea, Yneslea, Esroniet to name a few.
Elsweyr is big enough to be a chapter. Same with Argonia even after Murkmire. Hammerfell would be an ambitious chapter but obviously they would finish the whole area off. The Telvani coast is another area we are also missing.