For me Vivec is perfectly stable. Fix your PC or lower graphics. If you are console player.. Too bad.
Chicharron wrote: »I do not understand, if it bothers you why you keep playing?
White wabbit wrote: »Patch better work tomorrow or there will be a very large amount of upset players
ive paid these guys- MORE than what i pay NETFL@X, my MOBILE PHONE- and other monthly sub services.
how do you think the service and product compares to those ???
This thread is only likely to be closed because of the way it was written. There are plenty of critical threads about PvP, performance and stability which stay open because they don't call out a developer by name in the title then consist of very little but ranting and blowing off steam.
White wabbit wrote: »Patch better work tomorrow or there will be a very large amount of upset players
TequilaFire wrote: »
Gotta love ignorance.
Why because he/she is not agreeing ? I dont have any issues, must be because i'm ignorant.
TequilaFire wrote: »
No because of the lack of understanding what is going on on console.
Or just plain trolling. It is impossible not to have problems there are client code issues even admitted by ZOS.
Oh ok maybe i'm not paying attention, because i'm enjoying the game too much !
Good for you. Many of us have top-notch systems and internet. The problem is widespread and it's on z0$. You're not going to get free crates for pretending it's the fault of computers and internet connections.
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »Goes to keep, star the siege, more people arrive, siege is ongoing, a "zerg - group" arrives and starts spamming s**t tons of AOE (destro ulti, heal etc.). Ping jumps to like 300 - 500. After 1 - 2 min everything and everyone freezes and I have to either restart the game or game logs out on its own.
And here is the most frustrating part - trying to login back:
Ok, so I log back to my character selection screen, and then I log in back to my character that was in Cyrodiil and then I see this:
"Unable to connect to game server. Make sure you have a valid internet connection"
This is the most frustration part. I know I have connection. The YouTube video I am listening to still plays in the background. Often I even open a new tab in the browser to see if google works - and yes it does (and yes I have test it - disabling other programs does not help).
So the game is like.. well.. that is not me... it.. it is your fault, not mine !
Usually it takes 3 - 4 attempts to login back to Cyrodiil (last time it was a word record - 10 attempts to log back)
But then I am placed back to my home base - not the keep / castle / fort that was under siege. So often either the keep is already taken or when I try to approach such a keep - I get disconnected / kicked AGAIN !
And the absolute worst part is that every time you will get disconnect like this the game simply "forgets" all you effort and contribution you did at the keep to take it so you simply get no AP for that. Last time It happened just before the final push and basically I lost 2H of time & 20K AP tick.
Observation: This only seems to happen (disconnections & random kicks) when there are grouped players around spamming way too much AOEs. It never ever happened with just a swarm of solo players (even though they were still using a lot of AOEs). My suspicion is that the issue is tied to how grouping mechanics work. Somehow it prioritises groups over non- grouped players so when the server can't handle way too many players - instead of disconnecting players who cause way too much traffic - it simply disconnect random non - grouped players.