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Mag Warden expectations without trial gear, need feedback please

Ok, so I've seen multiple youtubers posting various mag warden builds and one thing they all to seem to have in common is using either siroria and/or master architect. I have neither set, I am nearly complete with armor in siroria, just need the chest piece. I have yet to get any master architect gear and if I'm running the bear ultimate, master architect will do me wonders in dungeons and trials.

Currently, I am a cp420(High Elf) using necropotence and julianos with ilambris monster set. Attributes I have are 54 into magicka, 10 in health bringing me to about 42k max magicka and 17k health (buffed with witch mothers brew food). I have mag recovery glyphs on jewlery, all max mag glyphs on armor except health on the legs. I have a shock enchant on my flame staff and flame enchant on my lightning staff. All my gear is gold except my back bar which is my lightning staff which is still purple atm. My front bar set up is (Flame staff) Fire Blockade, Fetcher Infection, Blue Betty, Screaming Cliff Racer (my spammable), Inner light, and the Bear ultimate. Back bar is (shock staff) Winters Revenge, Elemental Drain, Inner light, Harness Magicka (shield), Mushrooms (self heal) and Bear ultimate. I'm using trash mag spell pots for now.

Rotation: Ele drain, blue betty, winter revenge, fire blockade, fetcher infection, LA, spam Cliff racer, then reapply DoTs and ele drain/netch when needed. This rotation and gear has only yielded me 21.5k dps on the 3 mil target skeleton. I have the psijic skill line complete and tried going that route but the animation canceling with elemental weapon was waaaay off. Clearly it's me not being able to get it right, but I would charge and LA but the LA wouldnt take off and I'd be charging my staff twice and throwing my entire rotation off. I gave up on it since cliff racer might be slower, but I know it's going off.

So my question is, is this about what I should be expecting without out trial gear? The youtubers hit +40k dps obviously cp750 helps, but I'm at cp420 and I think I should be closer to at least +28k dps at the minimum, is the trial gear really the difference here? I know my rotation and light attacks are not 100% but like I said I'm only hitting 21.5k dps with my best ever being closer to 24k dps. Or perhaps this is exactly where I should be without trial gear??? I haven't been playing that long and could really use some help here. Yes, I'm well aware mag wardens are not the best dps class out there. I started the game with this character and this is the only character I'm working on at the moment. Will start another once I get closer to +cp600. Thanks for your time.
  • Valen_Byte
    Only thing I can help with here is the elemental wep LA weave. Its clunky for sure. Rather than charge> LA (w/o charge) then chareg>LA....charge>LA. Thats the only way I have found to smooth it out.
    ***Dixon Kay MagDK FORMER EMPEROR***Deca Dix MagDK FORMER EMPORER***Valonious MagPlar FORMER EMPEROR***
    GM of BYTE
    And alien tears will fill for him, Pity’s long-broken urn, For his mourners will be outcast men, And outcasts always mourn
  • DocFrost72
    Your setup is very much solid. One suggestion I would make is to run three spell damage increase glyphs. Regen is great, but in dungeons and trials (where you're going to worry about dps) you'd be better off heavy attacking just enough in your rotation to cover in between potions. I notice also that you did not mention which potions you are running, so am I right to assume you use the regular world drop blue magicka potions at cp150? They're not bad, but spell power potions will keep your major sorcery buff up 100% of the time (if you level alchemy to 50). Speaking of that by the by, if you have not already level alchemy to get the medicinal use passive and lengthen the major intellect (mag recovery 20% increase buff) duration. If you use max level crafted potions, you are looking at 47+ seconds of major sorcery (could help your damage), major prophecy (no change as you double bar inner light), and major intellect (should be a 10-15 second boost from drop potions).

    To create these potions, combine cornflower, lady's smock, and water hyacinth.

    Past that it comes to weaving and cp to break higher than that. Siroria and MA do a lot of the rest of the difference, but they are honestly easy to farm. MA particularly is a big buff, as it is a team dps boost in addition to buffing you.

    Can you record a video of you testing and post it? I know it is a hassle, but watching I can see way more than I can read. Alternatively if you are PC/NA, I can meet you at some point and watch it in person, and help with getting you the glyphs free of charge :)
  • LeHarrt91
    As said about Elemental Weapon from the Psijic skill line will be better than Screaming Cliff Racer as it has a change to apply staus effects.
    on my MagDen with Necro, Juli and Skoria/ Zaan i was able to achieve 33k without the bear. But this was with vma Lighting backbar. Apprentice Mundus and Witchmothers brew.
    I have front bar: Elemental Weapon, Fetcher Infection, Ele Drain/ other destro skill, Betty Netch, Inner Light and Northern Storm
    Back bar: Blockade, Harness Magicka, Winters Revenge, Channelled Acceleration, Innerlight and Destro Ulti.
    buff up, Winter, LA, Blockade swap, infection, and 5 x Elemental weapon. (when you re apply channelled acceleration only use 3 x elemental weapon otherwise your dots will fall off)
    when bar swapping to back bar i alternate betty and ele each rotation.

    But practice, practice, practice. Go slow and get use to the rotation first with just trash pots (so your not wasting good crafted pots) then when you get faster and faster use them.

    With CP i have like 66 in Master at arms then split the rest somewhat evenly between Thaum, Elemental expert and elfborn.
    PS NA
    Have played all classes.
    Warden Main
  • Taleof2Cities
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    I notice also that you did not mention which potions you are running, so am I right to assume you use the regular world drop blue magicka potions at cp150? They're not bad, but spell power potions will keep your major sorcery buff up 100% of the time (if you level alchemy to 50).

    @DocFrost72, the OP said they’re already running Blue Betty in their rotation to keep major sorcery up.

    If all they need is regen, then crafted tri-pots (health, magicka, stamina) might be a better choice.

    Edited by Taleof2Cities on July 16, 2018 4:22PM
  • Sparr0w
    Enchant 2 jewellery with spell damage (do a 3rd when you're comfortable with sustain), la weave in your rotation e.g. la > skill > la > skill. Practice this until you can do 5 la and 5 skills in 5-6 seconds.

    Just the above should raise your DPS 10k if you weren't light attacking before hand.

    Post your CP allocation too, just changing my CP gave me 3k dps.

    Finally (if you can) post a parse so people better than myself can analyse ;) maybe a combat metrics too if you're on PC.
    Edited by Sparr0w on July 16, 2018 3:51PM
    @Sparr0w so I get the notification
    Xbox (EU) - l Sparrow x | CP 810+
    DD: All Mag + Stam
    Heal: Templar | Sorc | NB | Warden | Necro
    Tank: NB | DK | Warden
    Completions: All HM's + TTT + IR + GH
    PC (EU) - Sparrxw | CP 810+
    DD: All Mag + Stam
    Heal: Templar | Sorc
    Tank: DK | NB
    Completions: All HM's + TTT + IR + GH + GS
  • DocFrost72
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    I notice also that you did not mention which potions you are running, so am I right to assume you use the regular world drop blue magicka potions at cp150? They're not bad, but spell power potions will keep your major sorcery buff up 100% of the time (if you level alchemy to 50).

    @DocFrost72, the OP said they’re already running Blue Betty in their rotation to keep major sorcery up.

    If all they need is regen, then crafted tri-pots (health, magicka, stamina) might be a better choice.

    I saw that, but unless they have a 100% uptime on betty they are not getting are 100% uptime of sorcery.

    Even at that rate, it might be cheaper to buy spell power pots than tripots, I would imagine :)
  • MooseKnuckles88
    I will post a 3 mil skele parse if I can. I'm not the most tech savy person lol. I use trash mag pots most of the time, but I use the spell power during trials. I do not have lv50 yet in Alchemy, currently at lv35. My cp distribution is Theif:: Tower: 20 in warlord, The Lover: 49 in Tenacity, 73 in Archanist. Mage:: The Apprentice: 28 in elfborn, 27 in elemental expert, The Atronach: 14 in staff expert, 32 in Master at Arms, The Ritual 40 in Thaumaturge. Warrior:: The Steed: 62 in Ironclad, The Lady: 23 Hardy, 23 elemental defender, 34 in thick skinned. I am only cp425. I run divines on all my gear. I use the Apprentice mundus stone. My character stats when buffed with witch mothers brew is 43.8k in magicka, 2034 mag recovery, 17.2k health, stam 9.9k. Spell damage 1996 weapon damage 1335. Spell crit 49.6% weapon crit 24.9%.

    I have considered using mech acuity with julianos but my magicka pool will definitely take a hit and might require me to swap a skill in like equilibrium in the mages guild. As noted I am still pretty new to the game and learning things as I go. Ty again!
  • MooseKnuckles88
    Sparr0w wrote: »
    Enchant 2 jewellery with spell damage (do a 3rd when you're comfortable with sustain), la weave in your rotation e.g. la > skill > la > skill. Practice this until you can do 5 la and 5 skills in 5-6 seconds.

    Just the above should raise your DPS 10k if you weren't light attacking before hand.

    Post your CP allocation too, just changing my CP gave me 3k dps.

    Finally (if you can) post a parse so people better than myself can analyse ;) maybe a combat metrics too if you're on PC.

    I put some additional info up. I do believe my LA can use a lot of work. My rotation starts with my back bar with ele drain, winters revenge, swap, betty netch, fire blockade, fetcher infection, LA, birds, LA, birds, LA, Birds, swap winters revenge, swap, fire blockade, fetcher infection, LA birds LA birds, so on and so forth. I haven't been LA between winters revenge, fire blockade, fetcher infection nearly as often as I should. I do animation cancel the betty netch cast though by using that skill and blocking quickly. I added in equilibrium to my back bar in place of inner light to help with sustain. I definitely think my weaving LA could use some work.

    I now have full siroria gear 2 pieces infused and 3 pieces divines, my monster set is divines. I use the Apprentice mundus stone. I am up to about 23k dps on the 3 mil skeleton parse :neutral: trying to get myself averaging 25k dps, and ideally 30k dps, but I am only cp428 now atm.
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