Ok, so I've seen multiple youtubers posting various mag warden builds and one thing they all to seem to have in common is using either siroria and/or master architect. I have neither set, I am nearly complete with armor in siroria, just need the chest piece. I have yet to get any master architect gear and if I'm running the bear ultimate, master architect will do me wonders in dungeons and trials.
Currently, I am a cp420(High Elf) using necropotence and julianos with ilambris monster set. Attributes I have are 54 into magicka, 10 in health bringing me to about 42k max magicka and 17k health (buffed with witch mothers brew food). I have mag recovery glyphs on jewlery, all max mag glyphs on armor except health on the legs. I have a shock enchant on my flame staff and flame enchant on my lightning staff. All my gear is gold except my back bar which is my lightning staff which is still purple atm. My front bar set up is (Flame staff) Fire Blockade, Fetcher Infection, Blue Betty, Screaming Cliff Racer (my spammable), Inner light, and the Bear ultimate. Back bar is (shock staff) Winters Revenge, Elemental Drain, Inner light, Harness Magicka (shield), Mushrooms (self heal) and Bear ultimate. I'm using trash mag spell pots for now.
Rotation: Ele drain, blue betty, winter revenge, fire blockade, fetcher infection, LA, spam Cliff racer, then reapply DoTs and ele drain/netch when needed. This rotation and gear has only yielded me 21.5k dps on the 3 mil target skeleton. I have the psijic skill line complete and tried going that route but the animation canceling with elemental weapon was waaaay off. Clearly it's me not being able to get it right, but I would charge and LA but the LA wouldnt take off and I'd be charging my staff twice and throwing my entire rotation off. I gave up on it since cliff racer might be slower, but I know it's going off.
So my question is, is this about what I should be expecting without out trial gear? The youtubers hit +40k dps obviously cp750 helps, but I'm at cp420 and I think I should be closer to at least +28k dps at the minimum, is the trial gear really the difference here? I know my rotation and light attacks are not 100% but like I said I'm only hitting 21.5k dps with my best ever being closer to 24k dps. Or perhaps this is exactly where I should be without trial gear??? I haven't been playing that long and could really use some help here. Yes, I'm well aware mag wardens are not the best dps class out there. I started the game with this character and this is the only character I'm working on at the moment. Will start another once I get closer to +cp600. Thanks for your time.