I had a thought, not a very well thought one, but a thought nonetheless. Do you think ESO would benefit from a Mentor System?
I am apprehensive about referring to anything Nexon NA does as a good idea, but I was thinking of Vindictus when I had this idea. Vindictus has/had a system that notifies higher level players in a Guild when a new player had started playing and asked the higher level player if they wanted to become the new player's mentor. The idea was that higher level players would help new players clear the lower level quests and raids and would be rewarded with useful items/equipment whenever the new player hit a milestone. Vindictus is very much P2W and the population is mostly dead at this point, but I feel like ESO would benefit from a similar system.
I imagine it could work very much in the same vein/style as the Ring of Mara, where 2 players would adopt a mentor/student relationship. Newer players could be granted an EXP boost for partying up and completing quests/dungeons with their mentor, and the mentors could be rewarded with their choice of rewards similar to how new characters select rewards when they level. EXP scrolls for leveling new characters, random furniture, mats, etc. In addition, there could be even greater rewards for veteran players helping newer players complete Veteran Dungeons for the first time, like a guaranteed motif for DLC dungeons, or Gold Jewelry for base game dungeons.
In a perfect world, I expect this would increase the number of players queuing for normal dungeons (so new players don't have to wait 20+ minutes to get into their first dungeon). I would hope the social aspect of it would also help new players get into the core mechanics of the game and let little Billy StamDK grow up without thinking that Acid Spray is the best spammable ever!
I'm just kind of spit balling here, but what does everyone else think of this?
- Is this something you'd like to see? If not, is there a better alternative?
- What would imagine the rewards would be for the mentor?
- What problems do you think this would bring, if any?
- Am I wrong? Is Acid Spray the best thing since skooma?
Argonian - StamDK - Tank - Leaves-Friends-Dead
Orc - DK - Crafter - Burker
I saw the "I" yo! CHIM me baby!