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[PC] [EU] Grizzly Squad PVE progression guild recruiting!


Grizzly Squad is recruiting!

Who we are:
We are a PVE progression guild looking to complete the hardest content in the game. So far our guild has completed all Craglorn HM trials, vHOF HM, vMOL, vAS+1(both mini bosses), vCR+0. At the moment, our group A is working on vAS+2.

What we are looking for:
We are looking for players of all roles to join our ranks. We are welcoming players looking to start with endgame raiding as well as more experienced players looking for a progressive style of raiding. We are looking for all roles for to fill both out Grizzly A (vAS, vCR) and Grizzly B ranks (vAA, vHRC, vSO, vMOL and vHOF.)

Any tanks and healers applications will be taken too and rank will be determined on experience, gear and after a vet Craglorn HM run.

Raid times:
  • Group A vAS +2 trials: Fridays @ 20:00pm CEST.
  • Group B trials: Wednesdays 20:00pm CEST, and Saturday @20:00pm CEST

Discord is required for raids. Tanks and healers are required to speak for call outs. Speaking isn't required for DD's but listening is.
We are an English speaking guild.
Must be available for trials consistently if you want to be part of A or B team.
DDs must pass a DPS test, tanks and healers a vet trial, gear and experience check.
Sign up to our discord and raid planner within the first week of sign up.

Apply either here or in game by messaging @leeofham @Abbervail @bkzland and @One-Ticked
Edited by leeofham on August 2, 2018 1:23PM
  • leeofham
    Hey guys,

    Having a lot of response to vAS+2 progression runs and wanting to come along. We aren't in need for more A members but rather B team members that would do every other trial and fill in when there's a space within the A team for vAS+2.
  • leeofham
    Hello everyone,

    We are still looking for some DD's for our B team.

    You can apply either here or in game by messaging @leeofham @Abbervail or @lostkeyword
  • HappyDan
    Edited by HappyDan on January 29, 2022 5:28PM
  • Dektajo
    Soul Shriven

    I am currently CP 500 and have a Stam Sorc DD, Stam NB DD and Magicka NB. I would probably want to join either the Group B or C cause I am still gaining experience in Vet Trials. Hit me up ingame @Dektajo if you have more questions. Hope to see you ingame soon.
  • leeofham
    Hello everyone,

    We are still looking for members and we have opened up Grizzly A recruitment now as well. DPS test for DDs and vet craglorn HM for tanks and healers will be required for Grizzly A.

    Feel free to reply here or in game.
  • IldaraFathryon
    Hi, I'm a cp 900+ dragonknight/templar tank that would be happy to join either group, but with a preference for group B for the HoF runs to get more experience there as it's a super fun trial, but I have already cleared all Craglorn HMs and vMoL + vMoL speedrun.
    PC | EU | EP
    MagPlarDD/StamplarTank- Ildara Fathryon, Flawless Conqueror
    StamDragonknight Tank - Timaeus Fathryon, Tick-Tock Tormentor, Immortal Redeemer

    vAA HM (MT, OT, DD)
    vSO HM (MT, OT, DD)
    vHRC HM (MT, OT)
    vDSA (T)
    vMoL HM/Speedrun/Fang Focused (MT, OT)
    vHoF TTT (MT)
    vAS+2 (MT, OT)
    vCR+3 (OT)
    vSS HM (OT)
  • leeofham
    Hi there mate,

    What's your @name?

  • IldaraFathryon
    Hi, apologies, it's @Allia_Andromeda
    PC | EU | EP
    MagPlarDD/StamplarTank- Ildara Fathryon, Flawless Conqueror
    StamDragonknight Tank - Timaeus Fathryon, Tick-Tock Tormentor, Immortal Redeemer

    vAA HM (MT, OT, DD)
    vSO HM (MT, OT, DD)
    vHRC HM (MT, OT)
    vDSA (T)
    vMoL HM/Speedrun/Fang Focused (MT, OT)
    vHoF TTT (MT)
    vAS+2 (MT, OT)
    vCR+3 (OT)
    vSS HM (OT)
  • leeofham
    Tried inviting you mate, you need to leave a guild first.

  • IldaraFathryon
    Rectified, apologies.
    PC | EU | EP
    MagPlarDD/StamplarTank- Ildara Fathryon, Flawless Conqueror
    StamDragonknight Tank - Timaeus Fathryon, Tick-Tock Tormentor, Immortal Redeemer

    vAA HM (MT, OT, DD)
    vSO HM (MT, OT, DD)
    vHRC HM (MT, OT)
    vDSA (T)
    vMoL HM/Speedrun/Fang Focused (MT, OT)
    vHoF TTT (MT)
    vAS+2 (MT, OT)
    vCR+3 (OT)
    vSS HM (OT)
  • Judgedread101071
    DD 1300+ CP. AL hm done,ecxept VAS +2 and VCR +2,+3.Let me lnow if there is any way we can talk if you are intersted.
  • leeofham
    Hello mate,

    Sure thing, what's your @name, I'll send you an invite. Will have to do a DPS parse and all that but that can all be sorted out at a later time.

  • Judgedread101071
  • Mrslizardface
    Hi there, I'm a Max cp healer, done all craglorn HMs, vAS and vCR. Also done vMoL HM and vHoF.

    Have done vAS +1 and done +2 to 40% but that was on a dd
    Edited by Mrslizardface on August 15, 2018 7:43AM
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