AcadianPaladin wrote: »The templar's puncturing strike (and its morphs) are magical melee weapons. My magic templar loves hers.
...why would a nerdy mage waring a frigging -robe- instead of proper armor -want- to get within reach of that big, burly warriors axe when they can cast great balls of fira at those warriors from a (somewhat) safe distance?I don't see why we don't have melee magicka weapons.
Nah.Maybe it could be an enchant that made the weapons abilities use mag instead of stam.
TheShadowScout wrote: »...why would a nerdy mage waring a frigging -robe- instead of proper armor -want- to get within reach of that big, burly warriors axe when they can cast great balls of fira at those warriors from a (somewhat) safe distance?I don't see why we don't have melee magicka weapons.
(Yeah, there are some builds that can do it - those using skills with built in heals. But others...)Nah.Maybe it could be an enchant that made the weapons abilities use mag instead of stam.
Basically its like this...
...if you use your -muscles- to swing/thrust/use a weapon to do its damage, its stamina.
...if you use your -magic- to conjure up some flashy spell to do damage, its magica.
Generally, that's it.
Not back when I played them they weren't. They were more like... warriors with some healing spells. Doing their damage by weapons, and using their "lay on hands" and "turn undead" abilities to supplement that...Paladins are closerange melee semi casters. Why not let that archetype have a melee weapon that actually benefits their magical abilities?
TheShadowScout wrote: »
TheShadowScout wrote: »Otherwise they'd be clerics and liches.
And we DO have the "magic melee weapons" in the game. The "summoned weapons". DKs lava whips, templars spears, nightblades red daggers and bow, fighters guild dawnbreaker, etc.
But as I stated, I fully agree that there should be more options for people to "play as they want"!
At the very least, "One-handed and Magic" for hybrid spellsword type characters (even though the current setup sadly makes those a bit... suboptimal, something that -really- ought to be tinkered with... make hybrids great again! Or at least decent...). And once they make an offhand rune/want item, it only makes sense to let people dual-wield those for quick-cast magic, perhaps at a lower range then staves... that consideration gavce borth to my "Twin Magic" idea.
Say that to my Mag DK main melee with 1h/s that did vet maelstorm yesterday while exchanging blows with last bossand ye I have been wearing only light armor well and shield and using shielding skill + burning embers to go through it
Cleric you can do. Templar with main magica, secondary stamina, mace, mixed light and heavy armor... and only using maces. it would be just like back in D&D...You have good points, but then give me the option to be a cleric or a lich, if those terms will better suit your, or anyones, vocabulary
Fu... uhm... forget the META! Some things are -fun- playing because they are not the most effective tactic available!Maybe the builds won't be optimal/meta, but they should at least be viable for most of the game.
TheShadowScout wrote: »Cleric you can do. Templar with main magica, secondary stamina, mace, mixed light and heavy armor... and only using maces. it would be just like back in D&D...You have good points, but then give me the option to be a cleric or a lich, if those terms will better suit your, or anyones, vocabulary
Liches... well... those would need some necromancy, and a new "undead" status option next to vampire and werewolf. Thus for the time being, they would have to remain NPC mobs...
You can do quite a few other fun hybrid templates tho...Fu... uhm... forget the META! Some things are -fun- playing because they are not the most effective tactic available!Maybe the builds won't be optimal/meta, but they should at least be viable for most of the game.
And more neat options would always be adding fun to the game...
But not at the expense of sense... so magica weapons ought to be -magic- and not lightsabers... (eh, I mean, magica copies of stamina weapons)
Right now, the META is to push your damage stat as high as possible - raise your killpower, wipe the floor with everything at breakneck pace. Even at expense of your health stat, the megakillers will tell you to do that, then gain your HP through multi-stat armor enchantments farmed from imperial city. And it works too. (which makes me wish they would add mechanics to all endgame content that insta-kill people who have not at least, say, 15 attribute points in their health... but then, I would love to hear the wailing of despair from all the min/maxxers this would cause, so I may be biased here)I read that hybrid builds are complete garbage, or something like that, and therefore the mix between magicka and stamina would fail?
...and then with the mages weak muscles behind it will do about as much damage as a plastic toy sword. Good for honor duels, but when fighting monsters, well...An arcane sword can be spellcrafted into being light as nothing, and sharp as a regular sword, therefore making sense for a magic based hero/champion/whatwewannacallit. do realize that you just described all the usual swords in ESO?...then I think a sword can be infused with arcane (or anything else, really) and used by a fictional character and match the same amount of pain inflicted from the swing of a sword.
I really don't mind a magica based melee weapon (as I noted, there are -several- abilities that fill that slot) - as long as it makes sense within the logic of the game, and not just is taking a muscle powered weapon and make it magica without any logic behind it.My question for you is, do you really think that having some kind of magicka based melee weapon is such a bad idea, that for the love of all that's anything, shouldn't be implemented in this game to satisfy a good percentage of the players?
The issue that I see is currently magicka is set up to give you class options while stamina gives you weapon options. I'd be all for the introduction of more magicka weapons if stamina was given the option of stamina morphs for every class skill, not just the small handful currently available.
And that is the problem - your concept if taken this way is something that does not exist in TES lore, will not exist in any TES games set in a later time period, and has not been heard of in legels of that later time period.I'm talking a complete change of the weapons physical nature (since it will be transformed to something out of this world).
...and there is the fault in your thinking.I tried to explain how it would make sense from my point of view since this is a fantasy setting where you can bend the rules all you want, as long as you back it up with some kind of story...
I don't.Atm, I think YarYars idea of having all, or most, class skills have a "convert to stamina" option would be really cool. are talking about enabling both stamina and magica characters use the -exact same- weapons and class skills through "magica melee weapons" and "stamina morph class skills" and talk about diversity in the same breath???Thestephenmcraeub17_ESO wrote: »Yes to melee range magicka weapons. Yes to more class stam morphs. Yes to more build diversity. How is that a bad thing?
TheShadowScout wrote: »I would much rather see more options for stamina builds (aka, more more weapon skill lines to choose from and more stamina-support guild lines, and maybe even more abilities per weapon skill line), and more options for magica builds (aka, more magica weapon skill lines, more magica support guild lines and perhaps even a fourth class skill line with several choices to "specialize" in).
Again, that's -not- the point of stamina classes.TheShadowScout wrote: »I would much rather see more options for stamina builds (aka, more more weapon skill lines to choose from and more stamina-support guild lines, and maybe even more abilities per weapon skill line), and more options for magica builds (aka, more magica weapon skill lines, more magica support guild lines and perhaps even a fourth class skill line with several choices to "specialize" in).
Or maybe give all classes a few more skills that are more stamina based...
...and that pretty much sums it up nicely.Right, and this goes back to what I think the original design intention was - Weapon skills used Stamina, since they were based on physical skill, and Class skills used Magicka, since they were based on magical skill. (Staves are an odd one... let's not go there.)TheShadowScout wrote: »Stamina means an ability powered by a warriors mighty muscles and physical prowess. A sword well swung, a bow drawn and released, a quick stab with a dagger, a powerful bash with a shield, that sort of thing.
Magica means an ability powered by magical energy and the casters keen will. A bolt of lightning, a breath of fire, a golden healing light or a conjured creature to fight for its master.
I'd like to see ZOS go back to this rather than try to wave away how a conjuration spell, an alteration spell, a restoration spell, or a poison/disease effect is suddenly based on your physical energy levels rather than your magical energy levels.
Thestephenmcraeub17_ESO wrote: »Yes to melee range magicka weapons. Yes to more class stam morphs. Yes to more build diversity. How is that a bad thing?
(and while we're at it, how about some magicka morphs of 1h&s abilities to go with our shiny new melee range 1h magicka weapons? Then we can turn frost staves back to damage weapons instead of tank weapons, and restore balance to the force. Or Nirn, or whatever)