Have you been to Craglorn lately? It's a barren wasteland. I see maybe one person who, coincidentally, is on the same path I am as we pick up our goods from our survey.Please restore Craglorn to its former glory!
The_Protagonist wrote: »There is some activity now, walling behind a level will only make it more deserted than before (pre CP era).
VaranisArano wrote: »No thanks. Sorry, I remember how dead Craglorn was before One Tamriel. Even now, its not easy to get my friends together to do quests or even to find get a random group together from zone chat.
I'll put up with the constant calls of "WTB Skyreach Runs" in return for a Craglorn that actually feels alive.
Enemy-of-Coldharbour wrote: »Seems you just want less competition farming.
VaranisArano wrote: »No thanks. Sorry, I remember how dead Craglorn was before One Tamriel. Even now, its not easy to get my friends together to do quests or even to find get a random group together from zone chat.
I'll put up with the constant calls of "WTB Skyreach Runs" in return for a Craglorn that actually feels alive.
But who cares if it was dead, if the alternative is newbies and bots strip mining?
Is your Craglorn experience that much more enjoyable with people Fiording around strip mining the place bare?
So by your standards people cannot have one tiny place that is still scary?
The monsters were buffed in ot. u were buffed more tho.
equip your good old v14 2 adroitness, 2 cyrolight, 4 martial and 2 torugs again, remove all your cp, eat your good old cp100 buffood. weapon ults werent a thing back than, so no ele rage.
Now check how awesome shada is, if u cant get the 40k burst done and mechanics happen. Enjoy spending a whole afternoon in zonechat, trying to find 3 more ppl to let u into the funny lake portal (reimonds retreat?).
No thanks. Counter proposal: Make nirnstones drop everywhere. Same for other "exclusive" mats like zonebound style items. Just like thiefstroves and psijic portals. And while you r on it: provisioning source treatment for all the nodes. ty!
The monsters were buffed in ot. u were buffed more tho.
Vicente Valtiere, Dark Brotherhood, OblivionSpill some blood for me dear brother
Have you been to Craglorn lately? It's a barren wasteland. I see maybe one person who, coincidentally, is on the same path I am as we pick up our goods from our survey.Please restore Craglorn to its former glory!
In the past 3 weeks, I've seen a group of 3 people, three, take on one of the bosses.
Sure, go ahead and restore it to its former "glory", as this will absolutely turn it into a ghost town.
I should mention those 3 people were level 40s.
Maybe if they restored drops worth something in the game, many would return?