Stamblade Bow/dw kitty. Hundings/Spriggans/Selene. Hundings (5) only active when DW, bow asylum (imperfect).
Here's the question. I run with the asylum bow (so thus scatter and snipe) as a part of my rotation, but i never see this being used anywhere else. My dps feels sub par with it and i feel like it slows my rotation down. So here is my question: Is weaving this in a viable rotation and i need to keep working at it, or should i just craft a gold hundings bow and use the more common rotation with poison inject etc?
I'm sure the AB is meant to be used somehow as a powerful piece i just don't know if this is it or if i'm using it right. Plus it seems like snipe target acquiring isn't very awesome lol.
Kaz_Wastelander PS4NA