Last night my guild was running an auction, so I went off to Craglorn to do some mat farming while keeping an eye on the guild chat window. Hadn't been to that zone in a while since Summerset dropped, so I figured it might be a little quieter for grabbing mats.
An item came up that I wanted to bid on, so I moved out of the usual farming run path, opened social, and was fully engaged in the text chat screen. I get a notification.
Turns out, some Level 4 Breton in a Nordic Bather Towel is standing in front of me trying to initiate trade. Their account name is some random bunch of letters and numbers... like a bot train account. I want nothing to do with any of this and decline the trade. They initiate trade again. I decline and WALK AWAY SEVERAL FEET. To clearly show I am not interested.
They then start to whisper me and follow me around like a lost dog. "I need potent nirncrux 10"... "My boss" (WTF?)... "Friend"
They try to trade with me for a THIRD TIME. I decline AGAIN and whisper back "I have no nirn, stop stalking me."
They finally go away.
This then proceeded to happen to me again two more times from other accounts - they didn't whisper and stalk me like that first one, but just randomly ran up and tried to open trade with me. After becoming tired of CONSTANTLY STOPPING to decline a trade I wanted no part in, I left Craglorn to go back to Summerset.
Is it even worth reporting these accounts? ZOS seems to not do anything about the bot trains, so I wonder if it's even worth my time to report this behavior. Honestly, this is more annoying than the bot trains, even, because now here I am trying to run around in a zone and having to constantly stop what I'm doing to decline unsolicited trade windows.
Can we get an auto-decline option setting for trade like we have with duels? Then maybe I can game/farm in peace again? How long has Craglorn been a cesspool of this creepy behavior? I don't remember having Chinese gold farmers (what my guild says these people are) all over the place doing this back when I farmed Craglorn before the Summerset update. And one of my guildmates says this has been happening to him a lot in Craglorn lately, too. He reports them every time.
PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13