Need some Peeps

Soul Shriven
As if the title isn't desperate enough please proceed to the description:

I get bored playing the game by itself and everything seems too saturated to just say 'aye what's up.' Then again I never tried, well, this is easier. I just need someone or a group of people to shoot the *** with and experience the game. Plus since I moved my social life went down the drain so my placebo is playing online.

Hit me up if you're interested
  • Arbit
    Join my guild we play daily if your interested send your in game name and I’ll throw you an invite
    Argonian Master Race
  • Unremarked
    Soul Shriven
    @Arbit my ingame name is Unremarked-Art
  • wbernardo24
    If your still interested we always play message me in game my gamer tag is Crabby 666
  • redlink1979
    On which platform and server are you on?
    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
    • Sons of the Night Mother | VforVendetta | Grownups Gaming EU | English Elders [PS][EU] 2360 CP
    • Daggerfall's Mightiest | Eternal Champions | Legacy | Tamriel Melting Pot [PS][NA] 2190 CP
    • SweetTrolls | Spring Rose | Daggerfall Royal Legion | Tinnitus Delux [PC][EU] 2345 CP
    • Bacon Rats | Silverlight Brotherhood | Canis Root Tea Party | Vincula Doloris [PC][NA] 2090 CP
  • Mooncat_1992
    Same here, looking for some friends :) or add guilds with members that don't mind helping with some quests.
    Atm lvl 30, not so experienced player tho... been away for a while.

    in game: Mooncat_1992
    Server: EU - PC

    Feel free to pm me ;)
    Mooncat_1992 - EU server - PC

    Zino-jo (MAIN - Khajiit NB & Crafter/furnisher)

    Clan Claws - Aetherius Art - De Stamtafel - Dragonia - Imperial Trading Company
  • Bunndale
    LOL "as if the title isn't desperate enough"

    Yep i'm in the same boat, none of my friends play ESO & I also need ESO friends.

    Feel free to add me - my PSN is: BUNNDALE (NA-PS4)

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