boombazookajd wrote: »I'm going to base my opinion on what is used most by top players, and thats Rending Slashes (morph of Twin Slashes).
Flurry is trash, imo, but @Marshall1289 gave good advice on a stam sorc build, which I've never used.
So, as a stamdk/stamblade, it's Rending Slashes. Blade Cloak was useful until the nerf, even still it does help mitigate AOE damage which is useful.
For the love of god, don't use the noob-tube in this game (Flurry). It's a nice spammable, looks and feels fun, but it's a total waste of time when you could be light attack weaving.
BrokenGameMechanics wrote: »@OrphanHelgen
Whether a Mael Weapon buff would or would not make it useful is in my opinion not addressing the true problem with Flurry. It has 2 big bugs, CP is not being applied to damage on the last 300% strike and off-hand enchant never procs. As a result Flurry does LOL damage numbers, like 375 damage per strike and then 1200 on the last strike, for a whopping low 3K worth of typical damage in PVP. And this is on POC build optimized to get the highest Flurry damage as is possible (no Mael, but gold weapons, CP allocation etc). It's a joke. You can stand 41 meters away, throw a Dagger and do way more damage then Flurry at 7 meters AND get a nice slow de-buff, plus a major buff!! Its pound you head on the desk stuff here. Flurry's tooltip make comparing tooltip damage to tooltip damage BUT if you run the numbers, Flurry should out perform a Dagger and it doesn't because it's bugged.
Step 1 - Fix the bugs so the skill works , i.e matches what the tooltip says.
Step 2- Yea, sure buff the Mael Weapons. Got my vote.
worsttankever wrote: »Is Flury still competitive in cp free pvp? Sounds like the only bug effecting it then would be not proccing both echants?