I know I already
made a poll about this, though my detractors complained that I didn't offer clear enough options. In the interests of fair play, that's what I'm doing.
It looks as though the original model was based off of the Skyrim one. I recall in the early days of the community, this wasn't a popular choice. People felt it looked too much like some kind of monkey or ape, the proportions were very distorted, and it didn't look much like what anyone imagines a werewolf to be at all.

This lead the modding community to come up with a number of better options. Such as the
Apex Werewolf.

Sadly, ZOS decided to follow the path of Skyrim for their werewolf. Yet due to it being an MMO of 2014, the fidelity was far lower than that of Skyrim so it managed to look even worse.

In my opinion, that's not what a video game werewolf in 2018 should look like. I feel ZOS can do better. And they did.
The Wolfhunter DLC introduced this model.

This would be an absolute boon to werewolf fans. In my opinion, the current werewolf model looks really sorry for itself, it looks like someone's lost science experiment rather than a monstrous wolf creature that would strike fear into the hearts of its foes.
What say you?
Do you think the werewolf body model needs to be updated?
(Oops'd ESO's release date. Fixed that.)
Edited by AuldWolf on July 8, 2018 6:10AM
[Poll] Does the Werewolf Model Need an Update? 51 votes
Yes, I'd like to see an update to the werewolf model.
No, I just want higher res textures for the current werewolf model.
No, I want the original werewolf to stay as-is.