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Arrow Spray Vs Silver Shards

These skills are very similar as both reduce movement speed, damage all in front of you (up to five with SS), the range is similar and the cost about the same for base damage done though SS cost receives a 10% reduction with the Intimidate skill making it less cost per damage than AS. If you have access to Dolems then SS is available before AS. I am aware that AS damages each target equally while SS does 1/2x, 1x/ 1/2x (three target example).

It seems to me that SS fires faster than AS but this may be just perception.

I prefer SS. Can anyone make an argument for Arrow Spray as the preferred of the two?
  • AcadianPaladin
    I run a bow/bow stamsorc and prefer Bombard (Arrow Spray morph) because it immobilizes entire crowds of trash and holds them inside my killing zone ( Volley + Caltrops). I find that combo cuts down trash crowds with incredible speed.

    One advantage you didn't mention about about the Silver Shards is that it benefits from the Fighters Guild Slayer passive that grants +3% weapon damage for each Fighters Guild skill slotted. Another advantage of SS is increased range over Bombard.
    I've used and like SS but simply don't have room for it on either of my bars.
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • rumple9
    Arrow spray is the unmorphed base version. I use acid spray as it does more damage over time and adds a poison tick
  • rumple9
    Arrow spray is the unmorphed base version. I use acid spray as it does more damage over time and adds a poison tick
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