I’d like to touch upon a concept that has be discussed casually as a side-note on previous posts. It’s possible to
entertain an idea without accepting it; so I’m asking you to consider this perspective and reply with a measured response. I'm grateful to hear that Class Reps have been assigned and feedback has been cultivated to enhance and improve outdated mechanics. This concept only enhances that further.
The IdeaClasses still exist, however they are now in the form of
'Aspects’. The Aspect of a class is the breakdown of their three skill lines. Eg: Aspect of the Nightblade: Assassination, Shadow and Siphoning.
At the creation of a new character, and at designated shrines (similar to skill point and attribute shrines), you can assign three Aspects to your character.
For instance, if, for roleplay purposes, you were inspired to create a ‘Lich’ style character, you could combine:
- Warden’s Aspect: Winter’s Embrace
- Sorcerer’s Aspect: Dark Magic
- Nightblade’s Aspect: Siphoning
If you are loyal to one particular class, you can align all three Aspects to that one class, so you can keep your
DragonKnight Classic with less likelihood of creating a character with overlapping Active/Passive skills.
If a new class is to be introduced, you can temporarily play with each dedicated Aspect, and then dissect the class to incorporate it into your play style, without having to grind a new character all over again. This also means there’s less likelihood of the devs redesigning great skills to fit the mould of a role that the class is currently underperforming in.
The Critique
While this opens build diversity, especially for PvP, it may also cause a limitation for BiS roles for Vet Dungeons and Trials. BiS is BiS for a reason, but customising your character specifically for trials does not mean it cannot later be altered for other forms of play.
What aspects would you combine for a trials Primary and Secondary Tank? Would they be different?
The Primary and Secondary Healer? Again, would there be different Aspects utilised?
Mag DPS (Ranged vs Melee)?
Stam DPS (Ranged vs Melee)?
How would you build a solid PvP character? Would this make PvP more exciting because it wouldn’t necessarily be the same class combos; Aspects could be aligned to cover any potential weaknesses based on your personal playstyle. Would everyone be running cookie-cutter builds? Are they currently? Would racial skill importance play a greater role in character design than it currently does?
How would this affect Zenimax?
Because I am an altaholic, I have 15 toons. 1 Mag DPS 1 Stam DPS and 1 Argonian Healer/Tank for each class. I like to try different playstyles and understand how each class works. I also love building new character concepts and designing rich backgrounds. If this were to be introduced, would sales in additional character slots and associated utility purchases increase or be reduced?
While it's easy for us to sit back and feel personally attacked with each new update, the devs work hard to produce a game that we as a community respond positively to. Regardless of its flaws, I personally love this game, and I want to support the developers in their ever-thankless quest in trying to improve it.
Classes still exist, only now in the form of 'Aspects'.
You create a character and chose three exisiting skill lines from any class you wish. These can later be reformatted at shrines, similar to the mechanics of resetting attributes and skill points.
What do you think the pros and cons of this concept - How would this effect PvP and PvE?
What unique builds would you put together and why?