every time i play

Every time i play this game its as if zos is giving me the middle finger. The whole frezzing is very amatuer and they knew this well before the release.In all i just find them to be very shady and know after every dlc there will be game-breaking bugs and sets that could cause a disruption in balance and when there is a discussion with them they ignore those discussions but in reality they are very amatuer.
  • TheGr8David
    I understand your concerns about the post-patch bugs and, while I've not had it happen, the freezing. However, DLCs changing and adding new sets don't "disrupt" the game's balance. It's called re-balancing. Adding in new sets that are exclusively trash and don't change the meta at all wouldn't be worth putting an effort into acquiring.

    Can you elaborate on what you mean by "when there is a discussion with them they ignore those discussions but in reality they are very amatuer."? Which discussions with ZOS are you specifically talking about?

    Argonian - StamDK - Tank - Leaves-Friends-Dead
    Orc - DK - Crafter - Burker

    I saw the "I" yo! CHIM me baby!
  • hazey411
    I have watched streamers who were invited to the big reveal who gave the feedback and were ignored
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