SnowTheMadDog wrote: »What's ur strat, answer to bleed builds? Except sloting purge or playing Magtemplar (wich i do a lot more coz of that meta..)
SnowTheMadDog wrote: »Hey Boys,
Appollÿon here, Mag DK mostly playing BG.
I'm here coz i'de like some advice. I played MDK a long time and usually do pretty good in Cyro and BG. I'm not realy affraid of any opponent except...Bleed builds, wich isn't realy a class.
I fought a stamsorcs usin bleed (master axe?) sload immopots and swift glyph (i guess, seeing how quick he was moving around me, like some kind of crazy Flash) . The dude was constantly applying bleed/sload . I couldn't outheal him, and maybe had a small window to petrify and burst him (wich didn't always killed him). Plus, he was freakin hard to aim.
I'd like your advices, fellow MagDK or any other players. What's ur strat, answer to bleed builds? Except sloting purge or playing Magtemplar (wich i do a lot more coz of that meta..)
Thanks, and cya on the BG
Amdar_Godkiller wrote: »thick-skinned and hardy CP, crit resitance, lingering pots, and lots of hots.
Its kind of impossible at the moment, its exceptionately easy to put a group of dots on them and just watch them melt. In noCP a bleed build can dish out 4k dps easily. That is stuff that can't really be healed from, then get a defile slapped on you and its a problem...
The best way I can think is stack hots (works against sloads too, so not a just bleeds problem) as a MagDK, use choking to limit the damage and keep them stuck. Then GTFO. Seriously, impossible to heal through any bleed build worth their ***. They will incap, reducing your heal to potato level, slap 4k+ of bleeds and sloads on you and then spammable you to death.
Just leave.
ezeepeezee wrote: »I know you're asking about countering bleeds, but I think it's actually equally critical that you counter the player's movement. If you're having a hard time targeting them, you are losing precious time where you should be pressuring them and not just flailing to target them.
So try this: When someone circle-strafes you, start moving in the same lateral direction as them but backward, away from them.. If you're looking at it from top-down, it should look like they running a clockwise circle, and you running a counter-clockwise circle away from them. Except you don't complete the circle, you elongate it like a hyperbolic line.
And you keep doing this. CC them as they get in range of you, hit them, and continue this dance. It's difficult and takes practice, but it's the only way to make targeting easier. If you move in that way, you will be able to line them up more easily - they will have to stop their circling and move directly toward you again to close the distance.
SnowTheMadDog wrote: »What's ur strat, answer to bleed builds? Except sloting purge or playing Magtemplar (wich i do a lot more coz of that meta..)
Wear the Wyrd Tree set?