At the SE side of the Russalfield Wayshrine structure, at 44.70x47.12 (summerset/summerset_base), there is an oddity with the lighting. That position is atop the stonework platform of the wayshrine. Below it, just off the path, is a lantern illuminating the path. Oddly, though, despite the pavement of the wayshrine platform being facing away from the lantern, as well as being blocked by the side of the platform itself, the platform surface is rendered with the light from the lantern shining on it.
Because this is a purely graphical issue, and has zero effect on gameplay, I have no expectation that this will ever get fixed; it's just intellectual curiosity that makes me wonder whether this is a bug in the game's rendering engine or an artifact of the zone design, where the devs put the origin point for the illumination source of the lantern high enough that it is properly reflecting off the pavement.