Ok,so July's awards just started, and did I miss picking up one because I was online playing? When I logged off yesterday it said there were 3 hours to go to start. Then I log back on 2 hours later to play to make sure I'm in the system when it launches, an hour before launch. I don't get a pop up notice while I'm playing, and when I check before I log out 2 hours from that, it then shows 21 hours to pick up reward. Are they that short a drop time now? Only a 1 hour window to pick up the award before it resets to the next one? Or am I missing something?
Ra'avi Ahjonihr Khajit Stamblade, Level 1500Master ThiefCrafter and ExplorerHero of the Dominion, Pact, and CovenantMember of the DragonguardFriend to Razum-darFavored of Azura
'It does not matter to M'aiq how strong or smart one is. It only matters what one can do.' -M'aiq the Liar