Beamer_Miasma wrote: »It seems that most, if not all issues that are mentioned in the patch notes as fixed have not been fixed or have actually gotten worse. Was the server side patch installed at all?
- "Fixed an issue where buildings and other parts of the environment around Alinor would occasionally disappear."
I went to Traitor's Vault in Artaeum for a daily and saw multiple walls disappear. Never saw the issue in this delve before the patch.
- "Fixed an issue which would cause other players to appear invisible for short periods of time."
Never really experienced this one myself but guildies were complaining entire cities seemed empty even though chat was buzzing and there definitely were (should be) people around.
- "Fixed an issue so Master Writs will no longer require crafting styles that aren’t yet released."
Guildie posted a (freshly earned) backsmithing writ in "Welkynar" style which is not craftable as far as anyone knows.
- " We’re also adding the Fang Lair and Scalecaller crafting Motifs back to the Crown Store"
Not in the crown store we are seeing in-game.
PC EU server.
Ok can't speak for everyone, but pretty sure the majority of us are not programmers. I bet you to fix anything in this games code is a massive task, not just something that can be done in 20mins.
But yes everyone's frustrations are correct, it is getting beyond silly to what bugs are in the game.
lordrichter wrote: »Beamer_Miasma wrote: »It seems that most, if not all issues that are mentioned in the patch notes as fixed have not been fixed or have actually gotten worse. Was the server side patch installed at all?
- "Fixed an issue where buildings and other parts of the environment around Alinor would occasionally disappear."
I went to Traitor's Vault in Artaeum for a daily and saw multiple walls disappear. Never saw the issue in this delve before the patch.
- "Fixed an issue which would cause other players to appear invisible for short periods of time."
Never really experienced this one myself but guildies were complaining entire cities seemed empty even though chat was buzzing and there definitely were (should be) people around.
- "Fixed an issue so Master Writs will no longer require crafting styles that aren’t yet released."
Guildie posted a (freshly earned) backsmithing writ in "Welkynar" style which is not craftable as far as anyone knows.
- " We’re also adding the Fang Lair and Scalecaller crafting Motifs back to the Crown Store"
Not in the crown store we are seeing in-game.
PC EU server.
The motifs will be in the game tomorrow, according to Gina. The patch fixed them so that can happen, I guess.
Ok can't speak for everyone, but pretty sure the majority of us are not programmers. I bet you to fix anything in this games code is a massive task, not just something that can be done in 20mins.
But yes everyone's frustrations are correct, it is getting beyond silly to what bugs are in the game.
Ok can't speak for everyone, but pretty sure the majority of us are not programmers. I bet you to fix anything in this games code is a massive task, not just something that can be done in 20mins.
But yes everyone's frustrations are correct, it is getting beyond silly to what bugs are in the game.
Hence why it's so hard to get a CS degree and those that do get paid so much.
As a programmer you know there will always be bugs, and the product will always needs updating, etc. But these bugs present are way too big, and detrimental to the product for this to have even been tested for release. Seems to me there's problems all throughout, not just the programmers but the quality assurance as well. Maybe they have a shortage of employees or something idk, but the amount of bugs accumulated has just become ridiculous for anyone that has pride in their work.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »i saw this gif on the bottom page of the patch notes that was QUICKLY deleted.
i copied it as fast as i could...
Balticthunder wrote: »Who cares? As long as we are getting apex mounts and new crown crates is on horizon, everything is fine.
Ok can't speak for everyone, but pretty sure the majority of us are not programmers. I bet you to fix anything in this games code is a massive task, not just something that can be done in 20mins.
But yes everyone's frustrations are correct, it is getting beyond silly to what bugs are in the game.
Emmagoldman wrote: »All I know is summer time > eso. Time to go out for beers and see what they get together by october
Ok can't speak for everyone, but pretty sure the majority of us are not programmers. I bet you to fix anything in this games code is a massive task, not just something that can be done in 20mins.
But yes everyone's frustrations are correct, it is getting beyond silly to what bugs are in the game.
Balticthunder wrote: »Who cares? As long as we are getting apex mounts and new crown crates is on horizon, everything is fine.
What do you mean we are getting apex mounts and new crown crates. Is this compensation from Zenimax or something we need to buy? If compensation, great, if we have to buy, I don't understand the "Who Cares" comment then. Please explain.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »everyone makes mistakes, give them a break.
no one is perfect.
If you continue to make the same mistake for 4 years, is it even a mistake anymore?dwemer_paleologist wrote: »everyone makes mistakes, give them a break.
no one is perfect.
Ok can't speak for everyone, but pretty sure the majority of us are not programmers. I bet you to fix anything in this games code is a massive task, not just something that can be done in 20mins.
But yes everyone's frustrations are correct, it is getting beyond silly to what bugs are in the game.
Hence why it's so hard to get a CS degree and those that do get paid so much.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »If you continue to make the same mistake for 4 years, is it even a mistake anymore?dwemer_paleologist wrote: »everyone makes mistakes, give them a break.
no one is perfect.
that's not the case here that is being discussed.
this thread is talking about a fix that happened recently, not something that has been ongoing.
Ok can't speak for everyone, but pretty sure the majority of us are not programmers. I bet you to fix anything in this games code is a massive task, not just something that can be done in 20mins.
But yes everyone's frustrations are correct, it is getting beyond silly to what bugs are in the game.
Hence why it's so hard to get a CS degree and those that do get paid so much.
A degree doesn't make a great programmer, not even close. Hard work and genuine interest do, and 99% of that happens unpaid and on personal time. The degree is the easy part.
Guys and gals,
There is only one way to get any company to do what is needed.... stop giving them your money! Unsubscribe your eso plus, stop buying stuff from the crown store, etc... leaving post like this catagorizes this issues but doesn’t force them to do anything. Except remove the post or lock a thread so the word doesn’t spread.
Keep your money and complain on, and maybe in another 4 years we will have what was promised.